G5 Field Glossary

G5 Field Glossary

This document details the various fields found within G5 and what their purpose is.


  • Household – The name of the household – e.g., Smith, John and Jane.
  • Dear – The name you want to be used in the greeting or salutation line of letters. This should include both spouses where applicable – e.g., John and Jane.
  • Addressee – The name the address block will use for letters – e.g., Mr. and Mrs. John Smith.
  • Status – The household’s relationship to your practice – e.g., client, prospect, lead, etc.
  • Tier – How important or valuable the household is to your practice.
  • Service Level – The level of contact you want to keep with this household – e.g., platinum, gold, silver, bronze or prospect.
  • Bio – Important information about this household, that you want to be easily found, and prominent.
  • Addresses – The physical addresses associated with this household.
  • Communications – The email and phone numbers associated with this household.


  • Title – Mr., Mrs., Ms., etc.
  • First Name – The contact’s first name.
  • Initials – The contact’s middle name or middle initial.
  • Last Name – The contact’s last name.
  • Affix – Jr., III, etc.
  • Goes by – the name they prefer to be called in person.
  • Dear – The name the greeting line of letters will use.
  • Date of Birth
  • Gender
  • SSN – Social Security Number or Tax ID.
  • Status – The contact’s relationship to your practice – e.g., client, prospect, etc. – This can be different from the household’s status denoting an individual’s different relationship with you compared to the rest of their family.
  • Tier – How important or valuable the contact is to your practice.
  • Household – Fill in the household this contact is a part of. It will default to the last one you looked at, or the first one on the list.
  • Role – This contact’s relationship with their household – e.g., Head of Household, Spouse, etc.
  • Company – If this person is employed by a company that has a record in your system, add that company here.
  • Position – This contact’s relationship or role with the company listed in the company field.
  • Bio – Important information about this contact, that you want to be easily found, and prominent.


  • Company – The name of the company.
  • Parent – The parent company of the company you are adding – e.g., Facebook is the parent company of Instagram.
  • Status – The household’s relationship to your practice – e.g., client, prospect, etc.
  • Tier – How important or valuable the company is to your practice.
  • Type – Denote whether this is a regular company, a charitable or civic organization, or one of your strategic partners.
  • Total Invested Amount
  • AUM
  • Bio – Important information about this company that you want to be easily found, and prominent.
  • Addresses – The physical addresses associated with this company.
  • Communications – The email and phone numbers associated with this company.

For information on how to add a household, contact, or company, see  Adding Households, Contacts and Companies .


  • Title – Mr., Mrs., Ms., etc.
  • First Name – The user’s first name which will be used in some merge fields.
  • Initials – The user’s middle initial or full middle name.
  • Last Name – The user’s last name which will be used in some merge fields.
  • Affix – The user’s credentials and registered marks, which will merge into letters as the signatory’s details. Example: CFP®, AAMS®, ChCP, etc.
  • Goes by – The user’s first or nickname which will be used in some merge fields.
  • Dear – The user’s name as they want it to appear under their signature as the signatory’s name – e.g., Susan A. Brokerman, or James Sellers.
  • Date of Birth
  • Gender
  • Status – The user’s relationship to your practice – e.g., client, prospect, etc. This is generally set to Other as the available statuses for Users is the same as what is available for Household’s, Contact’s and Companies.
  • Tier – How important or valuable the user is to your practice. This is generally left as Unassigned as your users are not clients.
  • Service Level – The level of contact you want to keep with this user. This is generally left as None as your users are not clients.
  • SSN – Social Security Number or Tax ID.
  • Company – The name of your practice. You will need to create your practice as a company before you can associate it.
  • Position – This user’s job title, which will merge into the signatory block of letters.
  • Reports To – The user’s direct supervisor.
  • Bio – Important information about this user, that should be easily found, and prominent.
  • Printed Profile Image – The image of the user that will appear on letters.
  • Signature Image – The signature of the user that will appear on letters.
  • Addresses – Addresses associated with this user.
  • Communications – Email addresses and phone number associated with this user.


Schedule Items

Detail Tab

  • Template – The schedule item type chosen when you click to add a new schedule item.
  • Description – Summary of what this schedule item is about.
  • For – The household, contact, or company that this schedule item takes place with.
  • Assign To – Users assigned to this schedule item.
  • Location – Physical location for where the schedule item is to take place.
  • Start Date – Date and time the schedule item is to take place.
  • End Date – Date and time the schedule item should be completed by.
  • Reminder – Denotes when you will get a pop - up reminder about this schedule item.
  • Status – Current state of the schedule item – e.g., Outstanding, Completed, Cancelled, etc.
  • Priority – The level of urgency for the schedule item.
  • Add Attachment – Add any documents related to this schedule item.
  • Notes – Detailed information about this schedule item.

Recurrence Tab

  • Recurrence Pattern – How often this schedule item is to take place.
  • Date – The first date this schedule item is to take place.
  • Start Time – The time this schedule item is to begin.
  • End Time – The time this schedule item should end.
  • End of Series – When the recurrence should end.

Related Tab – Used to associate other items to this schedule item. The list below is what can be associated.

  • Opportunity
  • Products
  • Service Request
  • Campaign
  • Follow-ups

Security Tab – Used to set view restrictions.

For information on how to add a schedule item, see  Adding Schedule Items  and  Adding Recurring Schedule Items .


Detail Tab

  • Template – This will only appear on certain templates. It allows you to switch which template you are using while creating the task.
  • Description – Summary of what this task needs to accomplish.
  • For – The household, contact, or company that this task is for.
  • Assign To – The user assigned to complete this task.
  • Start Date – The date the task is to take place.
  • Due Date – The date the task should be done by.
  • Reminder - Denotes when you will get a pop - up reminder about this task.
  • Status - Current state of the task – e.g., Outstanding, Completed, Cancelled, etc.
  • Priority – The level of urgency for the task.
  • Add Attachment – Add any documents related to this task.
  • Notes – Detailed information about this task.
  • Touches – This will only appear on certain tasks. Having this checked will update the last touch date in the Service Level Manager for the touch type that appears in the task.
    Example: The Inbound Call template has a touch option of Personal Contact. If that checkbox is checked, it will update the last touch date for Personal Contact for all associated households.
  • Notes - Detailed information about this task.

Recurrence Tab

  • Recurrence Pattern – How often this task is to take place.
  • Date – The first date this task is to take place.
  • End of Series – When the recurrence should end.

Related Tab – Used to associate other items to this task. The list below is what can be associated.

  • Opportunity
  • Products
  • Service Request
  • Campaign
  • Follow-ups

Security Tab – Used to set view restrictions.

Activity Plans

Detail Tab

  • Description - Summary of what this activity plan will accomplish.
  • For - The household, contact, or company that this task is for.
  • Assign To – The user assigned to manage this activity plan.
  • Start Date – The date the activity plan is to begin.
  • Due Date – The date the activity plan should be done by.
  • Reminder - Denotes when you will get a pop - up reminder about this activity plan.
  • Status - Current state of the activity plan – e.g., Outstanding, Completed, Cancelled, etc.
  • Priority – The level of urgency for the activity plan.
  • Add Attachment – Add any documents related to this activity plan.
  • Notes – Detailed information about this activity plan.

Steps Tab

  • Assigned Steps – Used to add any additional steps that you need for this activity plan that are not part of the activity plan template.
  • Future Steps – Steps that are included in the activity plan template and therefore automatically created based on the criteria given in the activity plan template.

Related Tab– Used to associate other items to this activity plan. The list below is what can be associated.

  • Opportunity
  • Products
  • Service Request
  • Campaign
  • Follow-ups

For information how to add a task, see  Adding and Deleting Tasks .


These fields are for the Document, Event Note and Note templates:

Detail Tab

  • Description – Summary of what this document is for.
  • For – The household, contact, or company that this document is for.
  • Date – The date the document was from. For example, if you need to add a note to a record for an event that took place two days ago, you can set the date to when the event occurred.
  • Due – The date the document should be done by, if applicable. In most cases, this will not be used.
  • Status - Current state of the document – e.g., Outstanding, Completed, Cancelled, etc.
  • Priority – The level of urgency for the task.
  • Add Attachment – Add any documents related to this task.
  • Notes – For these templates, the notes field is a rich text box that allows you. more formatting options. This field is used for detailed information about the document.

Related Tab– Used to associate other items to this activity plan. The list below is what can be associated.

  • Opportunity
  • Products
  • Service Request
  • Campaign
  • Follow-ups

Security Tab – Used to set view restrictions.

The Advisory Note and Hold Note templates have the form all on a single page, rather than having tabs to click on. These are meant to be quick notes that you can enter in with limited fields.

  • Description - Summary of what this document is for.
  • Date - The date the document was from.
  • For - The household, contact, or company that this document is for.
  • Notes - Detailed information about this document.
  • Categories – Advisory Note only – Choose which category this document should fall under.
  • Attachments - Add any related documents.
  • Related – You can relate one opportunity and/or multiple products to this document.
  • Restrict Access – Advisory Note only - Used to set view restrictions.

For information on how to add a document, see  Add a Document .


  • With – The team member(s) this conversation is taking place with.
  • About – The household, contact, company, or opportunity that this conversation is regarding.
  • Subject – A brief description of what the conversation is about.
  • Private to Participants – Used to set view restrictions.
  • Message – Full message for this conversation.


Parent Opportunities

Detail Tab

  • Description – The name of the opportunity. This should include enough detail to tell it apart from other opportunities in a list.
  • For – The Household or Contact this opportunity is for.
  • Owner – The User in charge of managing this opportunity. The opportunity workspace has a default filter to show you all opportunities you own. This is the field that determines that.
  • Campaign – Use this field to connect this opportunity to a campaign if it came from one.
  • Stage – The progress of the opportunity towards closing.
  • Probability – How likely this opportunity is to close. This field is used for long term budgets.
  • Expected Amount – How much the opportunity is potentially worth.
  • Expected Close – The due date of the opportunity.
  • Priority – How important this opportunity is compared to other ones.
  • Overview – Enter the full details of the opportunity here.

Products Tab – Used to associate products to the opportunity.

Team Tab – Used to associate users or a coverage group to the opportunity.

Contacts Tab – Used to associate contacts or households to the opportunity.

For information on how to add a parent opportunity, see  How to Create a Parent Opportunity .

Product Opportunities

Detail Tab

  • Template – The product opportunity template being used for this opportunity.
  • Description – The name of the opportunity. This should include enough detail to tell it apart from other opportunities in a list.
  • For – The Household or Contact this opportunity is for.
  • Owner – The User in charge of managing this opportunity. The opportunity workspace has a default filter to show you all opportunities you own. This is the field that determines that.
  • Campaign – Use this field to connect this opportunity to a campaign if it came from one.
  • Stage – The progress of the opportunity towards closing.
  • Probability – How likely this opportunity is to close. This field is used for long term budgets.
  • Reporting – Used for filtering product opportunities in the reports module.
  • Expected Amount – How much the opportunity is potentially worth.
  • Expected Close – The due date of the opportunity.
  • Priority – How important this opportunity is compared to other ones.
  • Overview – Enter the full details of the opportunity here.

Products Tab – Used to associate additional products to the opportunity.

Team Tab – Used to associate users or a coverage group to the opportunity.

Contacts Tab – Used to associate contacts or households to the opportunity.

Security Tab – Used to restrict view and edit permissions.

For information on how to add an independent product opportunity, see  How to Create a Product Opportunity .
For information on how to add a product opportunity to a parent opportunity, see  Add a Product to an Existing Opportunity .

Service Requests

Detail Tab

  • Request ID – Automatically generated ID number for this service request.
  • Template – The current template selected for this service request. There is currently only one template available.
  • Description – A brief summary of what this service request is about.
  • For – The household, contact or company that this service request is for.
  • Severity – Denotes how critical this service request is.
  • Channel – Method of contact that prompted this service request.
  • Priority – The level of importance of this service request compared to others.
  • Assign To – The user responsible for managing this service request.
  • Stage – The current status of the service request – e.g., Open, In Progress, Closed, etc.
  • Resolution By – The date this service request should be resolved.
  • Notes – Details notes about this service request.

Contacts Tab – Additional households, contacts, companies, and users related to this service request.

Security Tab – Used to set view restrictions.

For information about how to add a service request, see  Adding Service Requests .


Detail Tab

  • Name – The name of the campaign.
  • Start Date – The date the campaign should start.
  • End Date – The date the campaign should be finished.
  • Priority – The level of importance of this campaign compared to others.
  • Stage – The current status of the campaign – e.g., Planning, In Progress, Closed. This is managed automatically when running the campaign.
  • Manager – The person responsible for managing the campaign.
  • Folder – The folder containing the letter templates for the campaign.
  • Allocation Rules – How the information is allocated.
  • Role – Set to None by default. This cannot be changed.
  • Description – Detailed information about the campaign.

Security Tab – Use to set view restrictions.

For more information about creating campaigns, see  How to Set-up a Campaign .

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