How to Add a New Household, Contact, or Company

How to Add a New Household, Contact, or Company

You can add Contact and Company records to the system on the Contacts workspace.

  Best Practice:

  • Whenever you add a Contact, Create the Household first unless it is to be added to an existing Household, even for single individuals.

Add a Household and Contact

Go to the Contact workspace.

Create the Household.

Click the Add button and select Household.

Graphical user interface, applicationDescription automatically generated

Fill in the required information and click OK when finished. The fields you need to fill in are:

  • Household (required) – The name of the Household
  • Dear – The name you want to be used in the greeting line of letters. This should include both spouses where applicable (e.g. Mr. and Mrs. Alice Ape or Alice and Smitty).
  • Addressee – The name the address block will use for letters.
  • Status (required) – The Household’s relationship to your practice (e.g. client, prospect, etc.)
  • Tier (required) – How important or valuable the Household is to your practice.
  • Service Level – The level of contact you want to keep with this Household.
  • Addresses – The physical addresses associated with this Household.
  • Communications – The email and phone numbers they have.

With the Household created, now create the new Contact.

Go to the Contact workspace.

Click the Add button and select Contact.

Graphical user interface, applicationDescription automatically generated

Fill in the required information and click OK when finished. The fields you need to fill in are:

  • Title – Mr., Mrs., Ms., etc.
  • First Name (required) – You may use the full first name if you need that information. This will only appear in the record and not merge in letters e.g. Jonathan vs. John.
  • Initials – This is the middle initial(s) or name. It will not merge.
  • Last Name (required) – This is the last name or names. Hyphenation is acceptable in this field.
  • Affix – Jr., III, etc.
  • Goes by – the name they prefer to be called in person.
  • Dear – The name the greeting line of letters will use.
  • Date of Birth – This is required in order for the Birthday Letter Process to function for this Contact.
  • Gender – This is required in order for the Birthday Letter Process to function for this Contact.
  • SSN – Social Security Number or Tax ID.
  • Status (required) – The Contact’s relationship to your practice (e.g. client, prospect, etc.) This can be different from the Household’s status denoting an individual’s different relationship with you compared to the rest of their Household.
  • Tier (required) – How important or valuable the Contact is to your practice.
  • Household – Fill in the Household this Contact is a part of. It will default to the last one you looked at, or the first one on the list.
  • Role – This Contact’s relationship with their Household. (Head of Household, Spouse, etc.)
  • Company – If this person is associated with a company that has a record in your system, add that company here.
  • Position – This Contact’s relationship with the company listed in the company field.
  • Bio – Important information about this Contact, that you want to be easily found, and prominent.

You can also add addresses, emails, and phone numbers here, or copy them from the Household later.

Add a Company

Go to the Contact workspace.

Click the Add button and select Company.

Graphical user interface, applicationDescription automatically generated

Fill in the required information and click OK when finished: The fields you need to fill in are:

  • Company (required) – The name of the company.
  • Parent – Do Not Use unless the company you are adding is the child company of another company. For example, Facebook is the parent company of Instagram, AND that parent company has a record in G5.
  • Status (required) – The Company’s relationship to your practice (IE: client, prospect, etc.)
  • Tier (required) – How important or valuable the Company is to your practice.
  • Type (required) – Denote whether this is a regular company, a charitable or civic organization, or one of your strategic partners.
  • Total Invested Amount
  • AUM
  • Bio – Important information about this Company that you want to be easily found, and prominent.
  • Addresses – The physical addresses associated with this Company.
  • Communications – The email and phone numbers they have.

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