How to Process the Find the Money Campaign

How to Process the Find the Money Campaign

Below is a suggested timeline of the steps your team needs to take to run a Find the Money campaign in G5.

  1. Install the Rerun Campaign.
  2. Activate the Rerun Campaign. Follow these instructions, and when you reach the “Optimize the Workflow for a Specific Campaign” section, you will follow the instructions for the Find the Money campaign.

Once activated, follow the timeline below. (Adjust these timeframes as needed for your practice.)

1st Send Day-30

Proof and send all campaign letters to compliance.

1st Send Day-14

Verify that you have adequate supplies on hand for this.

1st Send Day-7

Letters due back from compliance by Now. Upload them to folder in G5.

1st Send Day-3

Ensure all desired participants are included in the campaign.

1st Send Day-3

Print the letters and put them in their envelopes.

1st Send Day

Make “Watch for It” calls

1st Send Day

Send the letters

1st Send Day+1

Verify Supplies for 1st Rerun

1st Send Day+3 to +18

Process returned Questionnaires and send Thank You letters

Then repeat the following timeline for each Rerun wave you decide to do:


Determine if another Rerun should be completed. If No, make final calls.


Print the Letters and Put them in their Envelopes.


Make “Watch for It” calls


Send the letters


Verify Supplies for next Rerun.

Rerun+3 to +18

Process returned Questionnaires and send Thank You letters

1st Mailing Timeline

Proof the letters.

Who: Advisor and CRM Specialist

Select the questionnaire you will send. Attach it to the letters for each mailing. Proof all of them. Send them off to compliance for approval.

Verify Supply Levels

Who: Office Manager or CRM Specialist

Make sure:

  • You have enough paper or preprinted stationery to cover the printing, with some extra to fix any mistakes made during the process.
  • Your ink levels are high enough to finish the job, with some margin for errors.
  • Enough envelopes to send all the letters you print, with some extra as a margin for error.
  • Enough Large Commemorative Stamps to cover the postage for all letters you will send.

Upload the Letters

Who: CRM Specialist

Upload the letters that you got back from compliance to the Document Manager, in the Rerun Campaign folder. Attach it to the document of the same name.

Add Participants

Who: CRM Specialist

Make sure everyone you want to send the letter and questionnaire to is in the campaign, in the Planning step: This is usually all your clients.

Print the Letters

Who: CRM Specialist

To print the letter, start the campaign. The campaign will automatically move the participants to the Send the Promotion step, which will start a batch process to merge the letter. Wait for that batch process to finish, then download the letter, open, and check the Word doc to make sure no merging errors occurred, and if it is all correct, print it.

All letters in the BGM Letters Library are designed to use #10 windowed envelopes. If you use those, then you don’t need to do anything to prepare your envelopes except buying them in the first place. However, if you use other types of envelopes, you will need to use your preferred method of addressing them, be that hand-written, printed, or labels.

Prepare the envelopes. Put the letters into envelopes. Then put stamps on and seal them. Do that process in this order to reduce the problems that may result. If you make a mistake addressing an envelope, there won’t be a wasted stamp on it if stamping it is the last step.

Make “Watch for It” calls.

Who: CRM Specialist

Go to the Task Workspace and use the search bar to find all open tasks with the words “Watch for It” in their description. If you have run a Rerun campaign before, then add a filter for the start date to be today. Complete all these tasks.

Send the letters.

Who: Sales or Service Assistant

Gather up all the letters and send them out.

Verify Supplies for 1st Rerun.

Who: Office Manager or CRM Specialist

Make sure your supply levels give you a decent margin for error for the first rerun wave:

  • You have enough paper or preprinted stationery to cover the printing.
  • Your ink levels are high enough to finish the job.
  • Enough envelopes to send all the letters you print.
  • Enough Large Commemorative Stamps to cover the postage for all letters you will send.

Process returned Questionnaires and send Thank You letters.

Who: CRM Specialist

When you receive a questionnaire back, look it over and move the respondent into the Response Sorting track. The system creates a print task with two letters attached. One if they provided a referral on their questionnaire and, a second if they didn’t. Print one and discard the other.

Then decide which step that participant should be moved to next:

  • Immediate Opportunity – If they have an urgent opportunity listed, send them to this step, even if the questionnaire is incomplete.
  • Incomplete Questionnaire – if the questionnaire is only partially filled out, send them to this step for follow-up.
  • Processed and Done.

Move the participant to the appropriate step, then process the questionnaire. Immediate Opportunity and Incomplete Questionnaire will start activity plans for the office to take care of them. All you need to do is enter the data on the questionnaires.

Most of the data on the questionnaire can be used to update existing fields. Or fill in information in opportunities. For information that is neither, you can enter it in the Notes field of their record or create a Custom Field for it.

Rerun Timelines

Determine if another Rerun should be completed. If no, make final calls.

Who: Advisor and CRM Specialist

If you have not had at least 60% of your clients respond to the campaign, continue with the next rerun. See next step.

If you have achieved that much of a response, you can advance the remaining participants to the Final Calls step instead.

Print the letters and put them in their envelopes.

Who: CRM Specialist

Move the participants into the Rerun step for the next rerun wave, which will start a batch process to merge the letter. Wait for that batch process to finish, then download the letter, open, and check the Word doc to make sure no merging errors occurred, and if it is all correct, print it.

All letters in the BGM Letters Library are designed to use #10 windowed envelopes. If you use those, then you don’t need to do anything to prepare your envelopes except buying them in the first place. However, if you use other types of envelopes, you will need to use your preferred method of addressing them, be that hand-written, printed, or labels.

Prepare the envelopes. Put the letters into envelopes. Then put stamps on and seal them. Do that process in this order to reduce the problems that may result. If you make a mistake addressing an envelope, there won’t be a wasted stamp on it if stamping it is the last step.

Make “Watch for It” calls.

Who: Service Assistant

Only on the first rerun, later reruns do not use this step. Go to the Task Workspace and use the search bar to find all open tasks with the words “Watch for It” in their description. If you have run a Rerun campaign before, then add a filter for the start date to be today. Complete all these tasks.

Send the letters.

Who: CRM Specialist

Gather up all the letters, take them to the post office box and send them out.

Verify supplies for next Rerun.

Who: Office Manager or CRM Specialist

Make sure your supply levels give you a decent margin for error for the next rerun wave:

  • You have enough paper or preprinted stationery to cover the printing, with some extra to fix any mistakes made during the process.
  • Your ink levels are high enough to finish the job, with some margin for errors.
  • Enough envelopes to send all the letters you print, with some extra as a margin for error.
  • Enough Large Commemorative Stamps to cover the postage for all letters you will send.

Process returned Questionnaires and send Thank You letters.

Who: CRM Specialist

When you receive a questionnaire back, look it over and move the respondent into the Response Sorting track. The system creates a print task with two letters attached. One if they provided a referral on their questionnaire and, a second if they didn’t. Print one and discard the other.

Then decide which step that participant should be moved to next:

  • Immediate Opportunity – If they have an urgent opportunity listed, send them to this step, even if the questionnaire is incomplete.
  • Incomplete Questionnaire – if the questionnaire is only partially filled out, send them to this step for follow-up.
  • Processed and Done.

Move the participant to the appropriate step, then process the questionnaire. Immediate Opportunity and Incomplete Questionnaire will start activity plans for the office to take care of them. All you need to do is enter the data on the questionnaires.

Most of the data on the questionnaire can be used to update existing fields. Or fill in information in opportunities. For information that is neither, you can enter it in the Notes field of their record or create a Custom Field for it.

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