How to Run a Campaign

How to Run a Campaign

Start a Campaign

Go to the Campaign Workspace and click on the name of the campaign.

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You must be the Campaign Manager to start the campaign instance.

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Click the 3-dot button in the banner and select Start Campaign.


  • Once you start a campaign, you can no longer edit the configuration of the workflow template it is using.

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When the campaign starts, it will automatically move all participants from the first Participant Status in to the second.

When that happens, the activity assigned to the second step will automatically begin. This is usually printing the letter for the campaign. You will find it in Batch Processes already in progress.

Move Between Campaign Statuses

When a Household or Contact is moved to a Participant Status, any workflow activities assigned to that status automatically activate for them. This is how you run the campaign.

Single Person

Go to the Participants Tab of the campaign instance.

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Use the Change Status button next to the person you want to move to another status.

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Choose the status you want them to change to.

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Multiple People

Go to the Participants Tab of the campaign instance.

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Check the boxes next to the names of everyone you want to change the Participant Status on.

Select Update Status and choose the new Participant Status you want to move them to.

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