How to Activate the Rerun Campaign

How to Activate the Rerun Campaign

This article explains how to start a Rerun Campaign. First, it goes over the basic process. Then it details the changes that you will need to make for each specific type of Rerun Campaign, such as:

Get the Rerun Campaign Started

Go to the Customize workspace and create the Rerun Campaign Workflow in G5.

Go to the Campaign workspace and set-up the Campaign Instance.

  • Name it based on the promotion you are using it for.
  • Typically, the CRM Operations Specialist (COS) is the campaign manager.
  • Add any users who will be making follow-up calls to the campaign in the Support role.
  • Select the Rerun Campaign folder in the document manager as this campaign’s folder.
  • Describe what you want this campaign to do in the description field.

Open the Campaign Instance and Add the Rerun Campaign Workflow to it.

  • Configure the 01-Rerun Send the Promotion step by attaching the Rerun Campaign Promotion document and selecting the signatories.
  • Configure the 02-Rerun First Wave of Non-Respondents step by attaching the Rerun Campaign 1st Nonrespondent Rerun document and selecting the signatories.
  • Configure the 03-Rerun Second Wave of Non-Respondents step by attaching the Rerun Campaign 2nd Nonrespondent Rerun document and selecting the signatories.
  • Configure the 04-Rerun Third Wave of Non-Respondents step by attaching the Rerun Campaign 3rd Nonrespondent Rerun document and selecting the signatories.

Go to the Document Manager and Replace the Placeholder Attachments with the letters and reports your campaign will use. (Or, if you have run a Rerun campaign in G5 before, update the attachments from the previous Rerun campaign you ran.)

Optimize the Workflow for a Specific Campaign

Detailed below are different campaigns that use this workflow. Skip to the section below that matches the campaign you want to run.

Find the Money Campaign

The Find the Money Campaign sends a questionnaire to clients. Anyone who returns it gets moved to R1 Rerun Response Processing. From there they move through the response processing needed based on their questionnaire. This response processing uses 2 activity plans and 1 opportunity template. Everyone who does not return the questionnaire gets moved to the next wave of mailings. This process repeats until each rerun wave has been completed.

When you activate the campaign, before running it, do the following:

  • Choose the Questionnaire you want to send with this campaign.
  • Choose the promotional letter your campaign will send. Combine the Promo and Questionnaire into one document. Attach it to Rerun Campaign Promotion in the Document Manager.
  • The default rerun letters come with your system. Download them from your document manager. Add the chosen questionnaire at the end of each of the rerun letters. Attach the modified rerun letters back into the Document Manager.
  • Check the two thank you letters the rerun campaign uses, Rerun Thank You with Referral and Rerun Thank you without Referral. Leave them in place or replace them with new letters in the document manager.
  • OPTIONAL Normally this campaign does not need to be cycled back to the start. However, if you would like that option, add it now. Add the 2-Rerun Send the Promotion step to the Next available status of R4 - Rerun Processed and Done step. This allows you to cycle the campaign back to the Promotion step.
  • Merge samples of the letters attached to the steps in this campaign and send them to your Compliance department for approval. Make any changes requested.


  • If you use customized letters for this campaign, make sure to use the customized versions in the steps above rather than the ones in the Letters Library.

Disaster Planning Campaign

The Disaster Planning Campaign communicates your emergency contact information to your clients, explains what your disaster plan is, and gives them a framework to develop their own.

  • Choose the disaster planning campaign Initial Letter. Add the Contact Info Form to the end of it.
  • Attach the combined letter you just created to Rerun Campaign Promotion in the document manager.
  • Attach the disaster planning Rerun letter to Rerun Campaign 1st Nonrespondent Rerun in the document manager.
  • Delete steps in the 03 Rerun Second Wave of Non-Respondents step since the disaster planning campaign only uses one rerun.
  • OPTIONAL Add a Create Task: Outbound call to 03 Rerun Second Wave of Non-Respondents if you chose to include this step. Assign it to Support or choose specific users.
  • Delete steps in 04 Rerun Third Wave of Non-Respondents step since the disaster planning campaign only uses one rerun.
  • Delete steps in 05 Rerun Final Call. The disaster planning campaign does not use this step.
  • Upload the Thank You For Responding to the Rerun Campaign Letters folder in the Document Manager
  • Delete steps in R1 Rerun Response Sorting. The Disaster Planning campaign has a simpler method of thanking the respondents.
  • Add a Print Document step with the Thank You For Responding letter you uploaded previously, attach that letter, and assign the signatories.
  • Merge samples of the three letters and send them to your Compliance department for approval. Make any changes requested.


  • If you use customized letters for this campaign, make sure to use the customized versions in the steps above rather than the ones in the Letters Library.

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