How to Process Referrals in G5

How to Process Referrals in G5

Prepare G5 to handle to referrals

  1. Download and Evaluate Values-Etiquette-Thank You-Referral from the Pipeline Letters folder in your Document Manager. Make any desired edits. Send it to compliance for approval. Then add it back into G5 once approved.
  2. Download and Evaluate Values-Etiquette-Welcome-Referral from the Pipeline Letters folder in your Document Manager. Change the [Specialty] field to your advisor's specialty and make any other desired edits. Send it to compliance for approval. Then add it back into G5 once approved.
  3. If you need to train on the process below, create a sample contact and household to use, then follow the instructions below.

Process each new referral

  1. Create the household and individual.
  2. Add the Referred By Custom Field to the Referral and Select the Referrer's name. This should be done at the Contact level, not on the Household.


    • You will see the 'Referred by' relationship in the hierarchy of both the referral and the referrer. However, only the referral will have the custom field.
    • What this means is that the best way to see a list of everyone referred by a specific person is go to the main Contact Workspace and filter by Referred By Equals <Referrer's Name>. That will produce a list of everyone that person has referred.
  3. Send the Values-Etiquette-Thank You-Referral letter to the referrer. Before you mail it, edit the highlighted text as appropriate.
  4. Send the Values-Etiquette-Welcome-Referral letter to the referral. Before you mail it, edit the highlighted text as appropriate.


    • This letter serves as an introduction to the advisor.
    • If you were already introduced to the referral, and spoken to them, this letter is no longer necessary.
    • In this case, skip this step.
  5. Create an Outbound call task between the referral and the advisor in about 1 week. If you know how long mail typically takes to reach someone in your area, this time can be adjusted to be the next day after the welcome letter should have arrived.


    • Even if they are a referral, do not forget to check their name against the Do Not Call list, unless you have already obtained permission to call them.
  6. Create an Outbound call task with the referrer in about 3 weeks to let them know how their referral is progressing.


    • If the referral is unable to meet or progress before then, adjust the timing of this update call as needed.

From this point your normal sales pipeline will take over.

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