G5 Relationship Map - Custom Fields and Hierarchy

G5 Relationship Map - Custom Fields and Hierarchy

Every household, contact, and company has relationships. Tracking who is connected to who and what the nature of that connection is, is vital to The Bill Good Marketing System.

In G5, most relationships are displayed in the Hierarchy tab of each record. In order for them to display there, you must enter that relationship as a custom field first. The only exception to that is someone’s company.

Relationship Custom Fields

Any relationship between individuals or households is tracked in Custom Fields, in the Detail Tab of a record.

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  1. Click the Add button on the Custom Fields card in the Detail tab of their record. This will open a new window.
  2. Search for the relationship using the search bar or find it in the list.
  3. Select the circle next to the relationship you want to add. Then click Ok. This will open a new window.
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  4. Add the Name of the person this relationship is with in the Value field. Click Ok when finished.
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Best Practice:

  • Enter most relationship Custom Fields on contacts, not on households, unless the relationship is with the entire household.

Company Field

The one relationship you map outside of custom fields is the company a person works for. This is done in the Company field of the contact’s Edit screen.

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  1. Click the Options (3-dot) button in the banner next to their name to open a menu. Select Edit from the menu.
  2. Enter the name of their Company in the Company field. Enter their Job Title in the Position field.
    1. Their Company must have its own record in G5 in order to be entered in this field.
  3. Click Ok at the top when finished.
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Best Practices:

  • Each contact can only have a single company in this field. It should reflect the most current company they are associated with.
  • If someone works for more than one company, or owns multiple companies, then use the company field for the company that should be used in merge fields (IE company name, company address, and/or company phone merge fields). Put all other companies in as Custom Field relationships.

The Hierarchy Tab

The hierarchy tab in a record displays all of the relationships connected to that record. It can also be used to navigate between the records of each person connected by a relationship this way, simply by clicking on that person’s or company’s name.


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  1. The Company in this record’s Company field.
  2. This person.
  3. All other companies, each entered as a Custom Field professional relationship.


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  1. The Household of this Contact.
  2. This Contact.
  3. All other Custom Field Relationships connected to this Contact.

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