There are three variations of the Wilson Drip: Original, New York, and Blended. They are all processed the same way. The difference between them is the style of letter sent each month.
A Wilson drip campaign sends an introductory letter any time someone is added to it. Then every participant receives the selected Wilson letter for that month. This process is repeated each month.
Below is a suggested timeline of the steps your team needs to take each month to run a Wilson drip campaign in G5.
Once activated, follow the timeline below.
Send Day refers to the day you will mail the letters out. So, “Send Day-14” is fourteen days before the day you send the letter out.
These dates are based on estimates and averages, however, adjust as needed for your practice.
Who: CRM Specialist
As soon as your Advisor gives you a name to add to a Wilson campaign, add them, and put them in the Intro step. This will merge a letter for that person introducing them to the campaign. Send it out to them immediately.
Who: Advisor
The first step in a Wilson campaign is always selecting the letter(s) you want to send. Even if you are using a Message Plan, you may still need to make some decisions about the choice of letter(s).
For example, if your message plan directs you to send out a holiday letter for that month, you will need to select which letter you will send.
Who: Advisor and CRM Specialist
Many Letters on the client portal require user input. Some have highlighted text that indicates what kind of information the user should fill in. Some have red text that are optional paragraphs the user can include if appropriate for their practice or circumstances, which should be changed to black if it is used or deleted if not.
In addition, you should proof the message to make sure it has no errors. You can even re-write parts to use your voice, saying what you want to say the way you would word it, if desired.
Who: Office Manager or CRM Specialist
Make sure:
Who: CRM Specialist
The Wilson campaign uses the Drip Letters folder in your Document Manager.
You will upload the letter that you got back from compliance to the Document Manager, in the Drip Campaign folder. Attach it to the Month that it will be sent out.
Who: CRM Specialist
Make sure everyone that should receive the drip letter is in the campaign, in the intro step or step for the previous month. Do the following steps in this order:
Who: CRM Specialist
To print the letter, move the participants that should receive that letter from the Intro step and the previous month’s step to the step for the current month. The campaign will automatically start two batch processes to merge the letter: one for the people coming from the Intro step, and another for those who got last month’s letter. Wait for the batch processes to finish, then download the letters, open, and check the Word doc to make sure no merging errors occurred, and if it is all correct, print it.
Who: CRM Specialist
Gather up all the letters, take them to the post office box and send them out.
Who: The whole team
As soon as one month is done it is time to get started again at the beginning of this process.