How to Activate the Drip Campaign

How to Activate the Drip Campaign

This article explains how to start a Drip Campaign. First, it goes over the basic process. Then it details the changes that you will need to make for each specific type of Drip Campaign, such as:

Get the Drip Campaign Started

Go to the Customize workspace and create the Drip Campaign Workflow in G5.

Go to the Campaign workspace and set-up the Campaign Instance.

  • Name it based on the promotion you are using it for “Monthly Drip,” “New York Wilson,” etc.
  • Typically, the CRM Operations Specialist (COS) is the campaign manager.
  • Add any users who will be making follow-up calls to the campaign in the Support role.
  • Select the Drip Campaign folder in the Document Manager as this campaign’s folder.
  • Describe what you want this campaign to do in the description field.

Open the Campaign Instance and Add the Drip Campaign Workflow to it.

  • Configure the 00-Drip Intro step by attaching the 00-Intro document and selecting the signatories.
  • Configure the 01-Drip January through 12-Drip December steps by attaching the documents that correspond with each month and selecting the signatories.

Go to the Document Manager and Replace the Placeholder Attachments with the letters and reports your campaign will use. (Or, if you have run a Drip campaign in G5 before, update the attachments from the previous Drip campaign you ran.) See your Monthly Drip Message Plan.

Optimize the Workflow for a Specific Campaign

Detailed below are different campaigns that use this workflow. Skip to the section below that matches the campaign you want to run.

  Multiple Drip Letters:

Many offices send a separate letter to different groups of people, targeting their needs and interests, based on their Monthly Drip Message Plan.
Some also run one or more Wilson Drips.

Best Practice:

Change the letter attached to each month in the Drip Campaign Letters folder in the Document Manager, in between merging the letter for each group you mail to.

Alternate Practice:

Alternatively, instead of swapping out the letters prior to merging, you can create a copy of the Drip Campaign Letters folder in your Document Manager for each group you plan on sending a drip message to. However, this takes considerably more work than swapping the letters each time.

Monthly Drip Campaign

Monthly Drip Campaign sends a letter to participants. Each month you attach a new letter to that month in the Drip Campaign Letters folder in the Document Manager. After, you move participants into that month, and the letter is merged for them. This repeats monthly.

When you activate the campaign, before running it, do the following:

  • Delete the print document activity from the Intro step. The basic monthly drip does not use an intro letter for new participants.
  • Attach the letter indicated in your Monthly Drip Message Plan for this drip to each month in the Drip Campaign Letters folder of the Document Manager.
  • Merge samples of the letters attached to the steps in this campaign and send them to your Compliance department for approval. Make any changes requested.


    • If you use customized letters for this campaign, make sure to use the customized versions in the steps above rather than the ones in the Letters Library.

Wilson - $50-Million, New York, or Blended

The $50-Million WilsonNew York Wilson, and Blended Wilson all use the same set-up procedures. For the most part, it follows the same pattern as a normal Monthly Drip. However, new participants are sent an intro letter, then, when you move participants into the current month step, you also move everyone in the intro step to the current month as well. The system then merges that month’s letter to both groups of participants. From that point on, they are treated just like the rest of the participants.

  • Attach the appropriate Intro Letter for the type of Wilson campaign you are running to the Intro document in the Drip Campaign Letters folder in the Document Manager.
  • Attach the letter indicated in your Monthly Drip Message Plan for this drip to each month in the Drip Campaign Letters folder of the Document Manager.
  • Merge samples of the letters attached to the steps in this campaign and send them to your Compliance department for approval. Make any changes requested.


    • If you use customized letters for this campaign, make sure to use the customized versions in the steps above rather than the ones in the Letters Library.

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