G5 Release Notes

G5 Release Notes

Below is a compiled list of all release notes for each update made to G5. The newest notes will be at the top.

3.6 Release Notes

August 3, 2024

New Features

Schedule Items Work Better than Ever with the Calendar Sync

Until now, when a Schedule Item on your calendar in G5 sync’d to Outlook’s calendar, it would share the contents of the notes field to Outlook as well. These activities can send invitations to the participants under certain circumstances, and those notes could potentially be sent along with them.

This has changed. We’ve split the notes field in two! Now there is a Shared Notes field, which can include information you want to be in an invitation, and a Private Notes field, where you keep internal information your office needs to keep track of.

Set the Default Duration for Your Meetings with This New Activity Plan Feature

Last update, Activity Plans gained the ability to set the time of a meeting while you are activating it rather than making you wait to edit the meeting later.

This new feature lets you set the Activity Plan to use a default meeting duration, chosen by you when you are creating or editing your Activity Plan templates.


  • Each existing Targeted Activity Plan was given a duration by default.
  • You should review the ones you use regularly and adjust the duration to suit your needs for that Activity Plan.
  • You can do this by editing the Target Activity step of the Activity Plan, and choosing the duration you desire, before clicking OK to save it.
  • You can read more about editing the steps of an Activity Plan here.

Bug Fix

Audit Trail Has Successfully Been Taught What DNC Means

Since the new DNC feature came online, Audit Trail thought it meant Do Not Capture, so it was leaving that particular change out of its logs. We have since corrected that mistake and shown it the error of its ways. Audit Trail will properly show when someone has been set to Do Not Contact.

3.5 Release Notes

June 15, 2024

New Features

Conversations have been removed.

Conversations was an instant message service between Users, internal to G5. However, instant messaging is heavily regulated, and even when it doesn’t run afoul of legal issues, can run up against many firm’s internal policies. Due to this, and because so few offices used it, we determined that the best course of action for G5 was to disable it. This will help reduce the clutter in your CRM, and make way for new features to take its place in the future. If you have questions about this, please call Software Support at 801-553-9888.

We’ve changed how you track those who have passed away.

In the past the default was to have a deceased contact be given a Category of ‘Deceased’. This allowed you to exclude any Contacts with that Category in your filters. Some offices elected to customize one of their Statuses to serve the same purpose.

Using a Category may have been simple but it meant you ran the risk of accidentally including those deceased people any time you forgot to add that filter. And it meant you couldn’t use category filters for other purposes at the same time.

While customizing one of your statuses to be used for this purpose used up one of the limited slots that could be customized.

We have changed this. As of today a new Status “Deceased” has been added that can be assigned to Contacts. This will automatically be applied to Contacts who had either of the previous methods applied. This will free up your category filters or open up a new Status for customization, depending on how your practice was doing things.

But that’s not all. This new Status comes with some bells and whistles. Setting a Contact to this new Deceased status will automatically:

  • Set that person to DNC (which stands for Do Not Contact) which will remove them from many lists that might otherwise have you accidentally contacting them. The Contact’s name will also be tagged “DNC” wherever you see it, so there will be no mistaking it.
  • Going forward, if you attempt to send them an email, invite them to a meeting, print a document or birthday mailer you will receive a warning not to communicate with them.

Custom Reports enter a new era of Usefulness

For the longest time custom reports were limited from using these fields, but that ended this weekend. This is extremely useful for a whole spectrum of things from running your practice to improving the performance of your CRM. Along with that news, custom household reports can now filter by Household Member Roles. So, if you want to make a report that shows you just the heads of household, or just the spouses, you could.

You can now choose the formatting for PDF Exports of Custom Reports

When you export a custom report as a PDF, you now have multiple options for how it is displayed. These can be found under each report’s Settings Tab.

Schedule Meetings Easier now that you can Specify the Time along with the Date when starting activity plans.

It’s easier than ever before to use an Activity Plan to schedule a meeting and all the preparation for that meeting. You can now specify the start and end TIME of the meeting when starting the activity plan.

3.2.0 Release Notes

March 9, 2024

Exciting Updates to Campaign Management!

Use New Date Filters to organize your Campaign Workspace!

Filter the Campaign Workspace by date, showing you the most current campaigns your team is working on.

Everyone on Your Team can Manage Your Campaigns Now

Until now each campaign could only have one Manager. This forced users to change who was assigned as the Manager whenever they needed to make updates to the campaign themselves. This has changed! Now you can assign as many users as you want as Managers of a campaign at the same time.

New Intuitive Campaign Roles

In addition to having multiple Managers, we’ve changed the old campaign roles to match the Client Coverage Roles, a list most of you will find familiar. This will make it far simpler and more intuitive to get the right person assigned to the right campaign activities.

Assign Multiple Roles to Each User

You can now assign one user to multiple roles within a campaign. This means someone can be assigned to manage the campaign, and also be the Computer Operator for it, so they get assigned the Computer Operator tasks from the campaign workflow.

Bug Fixes

  • The ‘Dogs’ Category had a description talking about a certain individual dog. Since Categories are meant to be for broad use, this wasn’t an appropriate description for it. This example description has been removed.
  • Sometimes if you tried to save a useful filter in someone’s record on the activity tab, it would give you an error message. The issue causing this has been fixed. You should once again be able to save your custom filters there.

Older Release Notes:

2.11.0 Release Notes

January 22, 2024

Converse is Live!

Our CEO first demonstrated G5's new AI assistant, Converse, just a short time ago. Now it is live, and ready to help you use your CRM. It can respond to natural language commands to:

  • Create Tasks and Schedule Items for your Contacts. It will even detect schedule conflicts as it does so and ask you how you want it to handle them.
  • Create quick notes for you and summarize your Note to create accurate descriptions before posting them.
  • Create new Opportunities in G5 based on what you tell it.
  • Send feedback from you directly to our Developers using the thumbs up/down buttons.

Use Your Regular Coverage Roles in Campaigns Now!

Simply assign team members who are helping with the campaign to their usual roles, but within the campaign, and it will assign activities naturally, based on those roles.

Create Quick and Easy To-Do Tasks

A new field on the Task Workspace allows you to create quick and easy To-Do Tasks for when all you need is a notification to do something at the right time.

2.10.0 Release Notes

December 2, 2023

New Features

The Service Level Manager Just Became Easier for Assistants – Introducing User Filters

You can now set the SLM to view another User’s queue. Larger teams can use this to see what each other are doing. And ANY assistant can use this to collect information more easily for their advisor.

Detail Reports - Now with Additional Detail

Until now, the Detail Report for a Household would not show the activities of the individual Contacts within the Household. But that has changed. Detail Reports now show all the activities of their members in addition to the Household activities.

Now this enhanced report is more comprehensive than ever, ensuring you have the best information possible at your fingertips.

Send out Larger Mailings!

The limit of 1000 Households or Contacts for mail merges and other batch processes has been expanded to 2000! The larger limit will take longer to finish processing, with a 2000 Household mail merge taking around an hour and a half to process, and other batch processes taking up to 25 minutes to finish.

This will not affect how long it takes to do mail merges of the same size you were sending previously.

Bug Fixes

  • An unused field has been removed from the Favorites menu so it cannot cause any confusion for Users.
  • A backend change to one of the default Opportunity Templates will make onboarding slightly faster.

2.9.0 Release Notes

October 21, 2023

Now You Can Sync Your Outlook Calendar with G5!

We have successfully integrated Nylas into G5. Nylas seamlessly connects your Outlook calendar with your G5 calendar. To have this enabled for your office contact please contact Software Support at 801.553.9888. As we roll this out, we are doing it gradually based on request. Once we have established most integrations, it will go live for everyone.

Ndex Account and Data Integrations have Arrived

Ndex is our data aggregation partner which enables financial accounts to be aggregated into G5 and viewed. We are also launching this based on custodial platforms. So, to have this enabled for your office, contact <Insert Point of Contact>. We will ensure you are included in the group that will be launched with each custodian as we bring them online.

Opportunity Workspace is Open for Owners to Use

Up until now, it was hard to tell who the owner of an opportunity was, impossible without opening the opportunity. Now there is a column showing you who it is, which you can use to sort your opportunities. You can also use Owner as a Filter in the Opportunity workspace.

This is especially useful for multi-advisor offices who need to know which opportunity is whose.

Bug Fix

The SLM Touches report on the Contact Workspace is once again showing the phone numbers as designed. This report allows you to pull Service Level Management (SLM) information on any list you create in the Contacts workspace, making it a versatile tool. So, it is important that it provide accurate information including primary phone numbers.

2.7.0 Release Notes

August 26, 2023

New Features

  1. Activity Plans can Reach Further.

    The due dates you can assign tasks in activity plans have a number of additional options now, which let them be scheduled all the way up to a year away.

  2. New Way to Mail to Companies.

    Companies now have their own Dear and Addressee fields, letting you mail directly to a list of companies, simplifying the process. As an added benefit, you’ll be able to find the records of those mailings directly in the company’s records when you do it this way.

  3. New Opportunity Templates

    Two new opportunity templates for you to use. Other Assets represents the standard model parent opportunity template, used by most people, while many of the default templates you already have are just examples of how an opportunity template could be designed.

    Meanwhile, the Rerun template is designed specifically to track opportunities you find in a Rerun style campaign, like Find the Money. You can spot rerun opportunities among the other ones easily by spotting the icon that matches the one campaigns use.

  4. A Field Relabeled, for Intuitive Clarity

    The Affix field on a contact has been renamed to Suffix, making it more intuitive to understand which end of a name the options in the field are being affixed to.

  5. Emails on the Contact Workspace

    You can now see and/or add an Email column to the contact workspace. Click the email address to start an Outlook email. Though you’ll need the  Office Add In for G5  to save the email into G5 after you send it.

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed the False Overdue Tasks on Todays Agenda

    A number of FUTURE tasks were showing on today’s agenda as [Overdue], when they should not have been. These have been fixed.

  2. No More Distraction from the Call Record Button

    This item is not being used in G5 at this time so we have moved it out of the way as to prevent confusion.

  3. Household Merging Fix

    Heads of Households have stopped fighting and are now allowing their households to be merged correctly… There was an issue that would occasionally occur when merging duplicate Households. If you had merged the duplicate Contacts first, it would produce an error when you then tried to merge the duplicate Households. That has now been resolved so merging these duplicates will no longer produce errors.

  4. Household Fields Fixed

    Status, Tier, and Service Level fields were not behaving correctly. Status was forcing the whole Household to sync to the same Status. This is now optional, except for the Head of Household, who always matches the Status of the Household.

    Tier is now giving the option to have Service Level match it.

  5. Coverage Group Change Fix

    Changing the Coverage Group in bulk was difficult as the Batch Process to REMOVE a User from a Staff Group was not working. This has been resolved and you can now add or remove a User or Coverage Group in a Batch Process.

2.6.0 Release Notes

July 28, 2023

Bug Fixes

  1. The formatting issues that have plagued G5 are a thing of the past.
  2. The Advisor, Sales Assistant, Service Assistant, and Computer Operator merge fields have been improved, and their inconsistencies have been corrected.
  3. A print error involving the Addressee field has been corrected, and a system put in place to prevent it from returning.

2.5.0 Release Notes

June 19, 2023

Feature Updates

  1. Banner Improvements for Households

    We have updated the banner in Household records to show you both the preferred phone number and primary email address. This makes it much easier to contact people from anywhere in their record, saving you time.

  2. The Birthday Cake Appears Early

    In the banner of your Contact’s records, a birthday cake will appear among the badges 7 days before the date of the birthday arrives, rather than only on the day itself.

  3. Getting Rid of Status Confusion

    The Email and Outbound Call tasks used to default their Status to ‘Completed’, under the assumption that you would only put those in after making a call or sending an email. That assumption turned out to be mistaken, and we have corrected those defaults. Now those tasks will use the same defaults as all your other tasks. We hope this makes your experience with G5 smooth and easy.

  4. Activity Plans Added to Your Favorites in the Activity Tab

    You used to have to manually go and add the filter to view Activity Plans in an Activity Tab. Since this was something, everyone needed to do to effectively use Activity Plans, we decided it would be best to have that filter added to your favorites, so no one has to go looking for it in the menu system again.

  5. See Your Activity’s Notes with Minimal Effort

    Last update we added a feature that let you all see the notes in an activity in someone’s record, without ever having to open it. In this update we’ve turned it on by default for everyone, so no one has to try to find the setting and turn it on themselves. Though, if you would rather have it off,  you can turn it off the same way you would have turned it on .

  6. Even More Updates for Seeing Notes

    You can also turn the Notes column on in order to see the notes on the Task Workspace, and in the Activities Tab of Opportunities. At the moment  you have to go turn the feature on in those places though .

  7. The Range of Available Titles and Suffixes has Been Expanded

    This update has added an expansive list of options enabling you to bestow the title or suffix your clients deserve.


  8. More Freedom in How You Search

    The “For” filter has become multi-select icon in the Task and Opportunity Workspaces, making your job easier than ever. You no longer have to search for items belonging to just one Household or Contact at a time.

  9. The Calendar Now Lets You go Directly to the Contact Record for Any of its Items

    Seamlessly transfer from the calendar to the records of the people you have activities scheduled with, saving you time and making the system easier to use.

  10. Tier Cascades from Household to Members

    Since saving time is the same as saving money, we thought we’d make it easier for you to change a Household’s tier, by making it automatically match the member’s tier to the Household’s.

  11. Save Time on Every Print Job

    Letters will now record the name of the letter in the records of the printing by default, rather than making you change tabs and select the option.

  12. More Refined Detail on the Detail Report

    All of the interaction filter options on the detail report have become multi-select, so you can set the filters to get exactly the report you need.

2.4.0 Release Notes

May 6, 2023

Feature Updates


    Worksheets are a powerful tool for recording important personal information. This can range from elements of their financial plan and risk tolerance, to their appointment beverage preferences, to information gathered from their attendance to an event or seminar.
    We have added a new Worksheets tab to Contacts, with four new worksheets you can use.

    Households also have a Related Worksheets tab to show all the worksheets associated with Household members.

  2. We’ve enabled Click-to-Dial technology to work on any phone number on the Contact Workspace. Create a calling list just by applying a filter! To learn more about using Click-to-Dial technology with G5, read  this article .
  3. We have made it easy to see a Household’s Service Level by displaying it in the banner, right next to Tier.
  4. We have made contact names include their affixes wherever the name is displayed so that you no longer mix up junior and senior records.

  5. We have added Overdue and Cancelled items into Today’s Agenda on the Home Workspace. Now you can keep your scheduled activities from falling through the cracks, without having to scroll through previous days.

    We also have added Overdue and Cancelled tags to the calendar. It’s easy to tell what has been completed and what needs to be rescheduled at a glance.

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed a header that was incorrectly applying to some birthday letters.
  2. Updated several merge fields to work better.

2.3.0 Release Notes:

April 8, 2023

Feature Updates

  1. Status Updates now display in  Today’s Agenda . You can use this to organize and arrange your day based on current status.

  2. We've added a new Go to Contact  link to every activity on  Today’s Agenda .  This update makes it very easy to review the contact record from the activity panel.
  3. Customize your Contacts workspace to display  Home Phone Numbers or Preferred Phone Numbers .
    This new feature enables you to filter your contacts into a calling list.
  4. Avoid appointment mishaps on the Scheduler. Our new Status indicator keeps your cancelled appointment time on your calendar (so you have a record of what was supposed  to happen), but displays its CANCELLED status, so you know that spot is open for other appointments to schedule something else in that slot instead.
  5. Save a few button-clicks on every activity. All New Activities for a contact record now default to a blank field in the Scheduler and Task workspaces. This ensures you assign the correct activity to the intended household or contacts.
  6. Sort by Last Touch in the SLM .
    View SLM touches in two ways: by the Next Touch Target or by Last Touch . Last Touch works very similarly to the 90-Day No Contact interval in Gorilla 4.
  7. Find and respond to conversations that need your attention. Choose View Only Unread from the  Conversations  menu to filter for unread messages.
  8. The character limit in Audit Trail has been increased a great deal.
    This helps you see exactly what changes were made, without the details being cut off too early due to the limited amount of text previously displayed.

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed the Phone Number merge fields. They were removing the format of the phone number when they merged. They will now match the format you enter them into G5 with.
  2. Fixed the SLM – Personal Contact and SLM – Targeted Message reports which are primarily used by the Weekly Statistics Dashboard . They were giving an error code when you tried to run them. These reports now run as they did before.

1.7.0 Release Notes:

  • Added default phone number to the contact banner and removed language – This item is to help with making the phone number and email address available for contacts in SLM and Campaign.
  • Fixed Head of Household association when merging 2 contacts.
    • Example: If C1 is HOH and is merged into C2, C2 will be the HOH.
  • Click through to contact from household members on the summary tab with "go to contact"
    Graphical user interface, applicationDescription automatically generated
  • Added ability to select a template for email body when setting up emails within a campaign
  • Changed order of SLM, Reports and Customize workspace in the left panel
    • Customize is now at the bottom of the list
    • Reports is now second from the bottom
    • SLM is now between Schedule and Tasks
  • Changed order of Opportunity Stage
  • Changed the Help URL to go to https://desk.zoho.com/portal/billgoodmarketing/en/kb/gorilla-5
  • Fixed Resolution Due In on Service Requests to stop calculating once the Service Request has been marked as complete.
  • Fixed SLM Touches Report to now show results when run for This Period.
  • Added ability to pick address/communication for a contact. This will display items available on the household.
    • For Address:

      Graphical user interface, text, application, emailDescription automatically generated
    • For Communications:

      Graphical user interface, text, application, emailDescription automatically generated
  • Added ability to create a new contact when adding household member. From the household summary tab, click the + sign on the Members card, then click the + sign in the Add a Household Member pop up. When the Select an entity pop up appears, you will now have the   icon to allow you create a new a contact.
  • Added a preview to the contacts in the Campaign and SLM Workspaces. To see the preview, click on the   icon to the right of the contact, and the preview will appear on the right-hand side.

1.6.2 Release Notes:

  1. Moved SLM from the Home workspace into a separate SLM workspace
  2. Revert SLM customizations to OOB functionality for Households
  3. Add support for non-Monthly reporting periods in SLM workspace
  4. Batch Process UX Enhancements
    1. Ability to see details of completed/error message for different batch processes
    2. Add Batch Process workspace to the left panel

1.6.1 Release Notes:

  • Added Identifications card to Contacts to allow for Driver's License and Passport information to be collected
  • Print Document: Documents are now printed in alphabetical order
  • Fixed folder field on Create Campaign screen to properly display the folder paths
  • Show salutation, birthday, & SSN of a household member in the household profile
    • This item is to avoid navigating into Household Members profile to review DOB and salutation details
  • Default Build Configuration for Reports and Dashboards
    • There are 6 reports and 4 dashboards shared as part of BGM requirements
  • Update Signature Popup on Workflow in Campaign Workspace

1.6.0 Release Notes:

  • Campaigns
  • Rich Text for Notes (copy and paste images, formatting, etc.)
  • Increase of display count for list views
  • Updated coverage roles for more standardization
  • Default activity plans in all instances
  • Click to Call from Household/Contact screen for mobile and desktop
  • bug fixes

1.5.1 Release Notes:

  • Upgrade to framework 22.01, without Campaign workspace
  • Added AdminScheduleItemDelete permissions to all users
  • Fixed household status update issue
  • Automatically seed User options for meeting, alarm and recent schedule to fix Exchange Sync of reminder

1.4.1 Release Notes:

  • Upgrade to framework 21.12
  • Enhanced UX for displaying associated attributes within a report
  • Fixed Meetings with all day occurrence showing for multiple days
  • Fixed filter parameters disappearing after saving
  • Added Open status to task filter
  • Enabled Customize Service Level Management tab

1.2.0 Release Notes:

  • Added objective-based speed button functionality
  • Added signature functionality to speed buttons
  • Updated database model to PostgresSaaS
  • Updated SLM reporting capabitilities

1.1.0 Release Notes:

  • Added capability to run simplified Birthday Letter Procedure
  • Added G5 Birthday letters to document library
  • Added document manager storage capabilities
  • Added basic list uploading functionality
  • Various bug fixes

1.0.4 Release Notes:


  • Set default English locale to match US version
  • Set User default FALLBACK_LOCALE to US version
  • Merge Fields
  • Fixed Company name to now uses lastName of company
  • Added AdvNicknameOrNames mergefield using advisorMergeField
  • Position signatory images better (order now matches correctly)

Letters Library

  • Alternative fix for Elliot Images not merging, previous fix broke “I have a friend” and others
  • Added ability to convert docx files
  • Fixed address checking
  • Added support for new form of G4 IF statements


  • Unit Test Fixes
  • Added pre-commits to help reduce large commits
  • Disabled 1.0.3 Cleanup changes for Categories and Custom Fields
  • Added Condition to check if system should add 25 year periods in the past or not
  • Deleted old periods greater than 25 years
  • Added PostgreSQL support for above
  • Set loaded = 0 to reload all mergefields

Thanks for reading, and as always please provide feedback on what you'd like to see us work on next. We do take your feedback seriously and prioritize development around how you use G5. Suggestions can be sent to  frantzw@billgoodmarketing.com .

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