Installing the Office Add In for G5

Installing the Office Add In for G5

  1. Make sure you close Outlook and Word applications.
  2. Download the appropriate Office Add In here.
  3. Unzip the files by right clicking on the folder, or, and choose Extract All, then click Extract.
  4. Open G5 and make note of the bgm number within the address bar.
  5. Right click on the bgm001-addin-install.bat file, or bgmc01-add-in-install.bat, and choose Open With, then choose Notepad.
  6. Within the file, look for the following:
  7. Update the bgm numbers that appear in the file with the bgm number in your address bar from step 4, then click File>Save, then close the file.
  8. Run the bgm001-addin-install.bat file by double clicking on it.
  9. Accept / press OK for any confirmation popup for the installation to proceed.
  10. Start Outlook and Open the "G5 Settings" dialog and enter your Username / Password for G5.
  11. Press "Test Login" and confirm it is successful.
  12. Press "OK" to save the credentials for the Outlook session. You will need to re-enter your credentials each time you close and reopen Outlook.

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