Send an Email

Send an Email


The system addresses the email to everyone from the related activity's For and Assign To fields.
To send an email related to an activity:
  1. Navigate to the Activities tab
  2. Click the More Actions button 

  3. Select Email.

In the Email Properties dialog, complete the following fields:
  • To — The recipient of the email. The defaults are the email addresses of all contacts in the activity's For field. To add a recipient, enter the entity's email address in the field, separated by a semi-colon. (Note: This is a required field.)
  • Cc — Recipients copied on the email. This automatically fills with the default email addresses of all users in the activity's Assign To field. To add someone, enter the contact's email address in the field, separated by a semi-colon.
  • Subject — The subject line of the email. This is filled in with the activity's description by default, but can be changed.
  • Attachments, — Documents from the activity are automatically included in the email. You cannot manually add or remove attachments from the email.
  • Body — This is the text of the email. You can use the toolbar at the top of the field to format the text or you can copy and paste formatted text into the field. You can also click the Image  button ( ) in the toolbar and upload images. The images cannot exceed 2MB in size and must be in JPG, JPEG, or PNG format. (Note: This is a required field.)
  • Priority — This is the priority of the email record. It is set as category B by default. (Note: This is a required field.)
  • Include Email Signature — This checkbox adds your email signature. You can modify your signature by clicking the Manage Email Signature button left of this checkbox. (note: your administrator will need to have enabled the email signature feature before you can add a signature.)
  • Mark as Complete — This checkbox will set the activity's status as complete when the email sends.

If there are merge fields in the email body and attachments, they are personalized using the information from one of the email recipients. After you click Send a Draft Email , a message displays stating that you have sent an email to your email address. Click OK to continue.

To send the email, click Send Email . The email is sent to the email addresses in the To  and Cc fields.

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