How to Sign Up for SendGrid

How to Sign Up for SendGrid

This process uses SendGrid® to connect to G5 and manage your mass mailing. It does require signing up for a SendGrid account.

Signing Up for SendGrid

  1. Go to and select “Sign Up Now!” below the login button.
  2. Select the plan you want to use. There is a free plan, but it’s volume of emails is limited.
  3. Enter the email address you use with G5 as the username. Please use the same email as your login to G5.
    1. Check the box for “Use email address as username.” This will make logging in easier.
    2. Create a password.
    3. SendGrid requires you use a reCAPTCHA to prove you are a human at this point.
    4. Check the box to accept the Terms of Service (ToS) and Privacy Policy.
    5. Click Create Account.
  4. As with any new program, please store your new credentials to SendGrid in a secure location. You WILL need them again at some point.
  5. Answer the short questionnaire SendGrid asks.
  6. Select "Authenticate your Domain" and follow the on-screen prompts.
    1. If necessary, have your IT person guide you through this part of the process.
  7. On the left, go to "Settings" and choose "API Keys". Create a new key with full access there, and make sure to save the code it gives you - you'll need that for later. If you click on the code, it will be copied to your clipboard, so it's easy to paste into a Word doc or password manager.
  8. Once your SendGrid account is set up, contact Bill Good Marketing Software Support at (801) 553-9888 and provide the following information:
    1. Email domain
    2. Sender's email address
    3. API Key


  1. Email Domain: ""
  2. Sender's email address: ""
  3. API Key: "SG.asdferrq@3!h1qZx"

BGM will set this up with your Gorilla 5® account and inform you when it is ready to use.

Once it is set up, your IT person will want to make sure the settings in YOUR own servers are set correctly so it doesn’t send the mail to people’s spam boxes. Here is an article from SendGrid to help with that:

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