Scheduled Item Definitions

Scheduled Item Definitions

Schedule Items are the activities that will appear directly on your calendar in G5. You can create them on the Activity Tab of Records, Opportunities, or Service Requests. Or you can create them directly on any Calendar screen.

When listed in G5 they will appear alphabetically.

Below, this article will break them into groups of similar activities:

Personal Touch and Reviews

These are some of the most used schedule items, covering your day-to-day business. Each of these will update the personal contact touch in the Service Level Manager (SLM). Portfolio Review and Virtual Portfolio Review will also update the Portfolio Review touch as well.

  • KYC (Know Your Client) - Used to schedule a meeting, in-person or via phone, to do a Know Your Client (KYC) review.
  • Meeting - Used for any general type of in-person meeting. This will update the Personal Contact Touch Type in the SLM.
  • Phone Meeting - Used for any over the phone meeting. This will update the Personal Contact Touch Type in the SLM.
  • Portfolio Review - Used to schedule in-person client review meetings of any type. This will update the Personal Contact AND Portfolio Review Touch Types in the SLM.
  • Virtual Meeting - Used for any general type of virtual meeting. This will update the Personal Contact Touch Type in the SLM.
  • Virtual Portfolio Review - Used to schedule virtual client review meetings of any type. This will update the Personal Contact AND Portfolio Review Touch Types in the SLM.


These are used to put the various client and prospecting events you have on your calendar. Each one will update the SLM based on the type of Event it is.

  • Appreciation Event - Used to schedule an event designed to be socially engaging and build rapport with one or more clients, either Households OR Contacts (Individuals in Households). This will update the Social Event Touch Type in the SLM.
  • Birthday Lunch - Used to schedule a Birthday Luncheon appointment. This will update the Birthday Lunch Touch Type in the SLM.
  • Education Event - Used to schedule the time for an educational event like a seminar, lunch-and-learn, or other LIVE educational event. This will update the Education Event Touch Type in the SLM.
  • Social Event - Used to schedule a social event, large or small, like a golf outing, dinner, client event, etc. This will update the Social Event Touch Type in the SLM.
  • Virtual Appreciation Event - Used to schedule a client appreciation or social event remotely. This could be for clients out of state or house-bound. This could be an online game night, fun webinar with a creative speaker, etc. This will update the Social Event Touch Type in the SLM.
  • Virtual Education Event - Used to schedule a client education event remotely. This could be for clients out of state or house-bound. Typically, this is some form of speaker on a topic of financial importance. This will update the Education Event Touch Type in the SLM.
  • Virtual Seminar - Used for virtual prospecting seminars. This will update the Education Event Touch Type in the SLM.
  • Virtual Social Event - Used to schedule an online social event, large or small. This will update the Social Event Touch Type in the SLM.

Model Day and Miscellaneous

Some of these schedule items are useful for building a model day into your calendar. Others are just basic items any calendar needs the ability to use.

  • Admin Time - This is used to block out time for internal administrative tasks. This could be time to work on client plans, review the markets, do asset management, process internal documentation, submit compliance, etc.
  • Email Time - This is used to block out admin time for writing and responding to emails.
  • Personal - Used to schedule personal appointments like doctor, dental, automotive, etc.
  • Other - General miscellaneous option for anything not covered in the other options.

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