Opportunity Pipeline

Opportunity Pipeline

Graphical user interface, applicationDescription automatically generated

Located on the Summary tab of the Home Workspace, these charts show you how much value you have in your opportunities.

Product Opportunity Pipeline

Chart, funnel chartDescription automatically generated

This chart shows you the value of opportunities at each stage of completion.

Pipeline by Product Type

ChartDescription automatically generated

This chart shows you the value of open opportunities listed with each product.

For an opportunity to be included on either of these charts:

  • Choose one of the Product Opportunity templates to create your Opportunity
  • Ensure FA is chosen in the Owner field – Only the Owner will see this opportunity as part of their Opportunity Pipeline
  • Set the correct Stage the opportunity is currently at
  • Give it an expected amount
  • Set its date to this calendar year
  • Ensure the currency is set to the correct option
  • Assign it a product with a name
  • Be assigned in its coverage group

There are other fields that can and should be used when setting up an Opportunity, but only those above are essential for them to appear correctly in the Opportunity Pipeline. For a complete list of the fields in the opportunity and how to use them see How to Create a Product Opportunity.

Each of these subjects are covered in our Knowledge Base:  https://billgoodmarketing.zohodesk.com/portal/en/kb/gorilla-5/opportunities

A Product Opportunity will remain on these charts until it is given an outcome. Parent Opportunities will not appear on these charts, however Product Opportunities you create from them will.


  • If you are set as the owner of a product opportunity, but are not in that opportunity’s coverage, you will not see it on these graphs.

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