How to Modify the Coverage of a Household or Contact

How to Modify the Coverage of a Household or Contact

When you create a Client Coverage Group you then assign it to your Households and Contacts.

But when you modify a Client Coverage Group, you need to follow three specific steps, in order.

  1. Remove the Coverage Group from all Households and Contacts.
  2. Modify the Coverage Group by adding or removing members.
  3. Reapply the Coverage Group to the Households and Contacts it needs to cover.


  • Doing these three steps out of order WILL cause severe issues that prevent completing this task.

Each of these will be explained below.

Remove the Coverage Group from all Households and Contacts.

  1. Go to the Home workspace.
  2. Select the Households or Contacts covered by the Coverage Group.
  3. Click the 3-dot button that appears and select Update>Coverage>Coverage Group.
  4. Select Remove, then select the Coverage Group you want to remove, and click OK.

A batch process will be started to make the change.


  • Do not move on to the next step until the batch process finishes.

Modify the Coverage Group

  1. Go to the Customize workspace.
  2. Select the Client Coverage Groups tab.
  3. Click Edit next to the Coverage Group you want to modify.
  4. Go to the Coverage Group Members tab.
  5. Click Select to add new members.
  6. Click the 3-dot button, then Edit to assign a User a role.
  7. Click the 3-dot button, then Delete to remove a User from the Coverage Group.
  8. Click OK when finished.

Reapply the Coverage Group

Since you have already removed the coverage from the Households and Contacts, you need to apply the modified Coverage Group to the Households and Contacts, reapplying it uses the same steps as assigning coverage.

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