How to Assign or Remove Coverage to a Household or Contact

How to Assign or Remove Coverage to a Household or Contact

Coverage Roles are assigned to Users so that Activity Plans and Campaigns can assign activities to the person in that role.

To read more about:

Before a Coverage Role can be used, one or more Users need to be assigned that role, then assigned to cover one or more Households or Contacts in that role. The easiest way to do that is to Create a Client Coverage Group that includes these roles.

Once Users are assigned Coverage Roles, you can assign them to cover Households and Contacts by:

  1. Go to the Home Workspace.
  2. Select one or more Households or Contacts.
  3. Click the 3-dot button that appears and select Update>Coverage>Coverage Group.
  4. Select Add or Remove, then select the Coverage Group you want to add, and click OK.

A batch process will be started to make the change.

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