How to Create Anniversary Procedures

How to Create Anniversary Procedures

Anniversaries are important events in your client’s life. You can set the G5 CRM to help you keep track of them and even send reminders to your clients about when one is coming up.

These instructions include:

If you are unfamiliar with those things, review the links above before continuing.

Anniversary Reminders

This is a recurring task set to happen once a year. It must:

  • Be a Print Document task.
  • Attach the anniversary reminder letter of your choice. 5 different wedding anniversary reminder letters can be found in the Miscellaneous Folder of your Document Manager.
  • Set the recurrence pattern to be every year, two weeks before the anniversary date.
  • In the notes field, tell the person assigned to double check that neither person involved in the anniversary is deceased. If one is, cancel this task and end its recurrence pattern.
  • In the Notes field, tell the person assigned to it to check the reminder letter that was sent last year, and change the letter to a different one this year.

  Best Practice:

  • Since BGM has 5 letters for this process, best practice is to cycle the letters over 5 years before returning to a letter you have already sent that person.

Anniversary Acknowledgements

Create a recurring task set to happen each year, assigned to the Advisor over that client.

Its purpose is to remind the advisor that this person’s anniversary is today so they can call and wish them a happy one if they want, or so they can bring it up if they happen to speak to them.

Anniversary Toasts

Create a recurring task to send an Anniversary Toast letter to the client on benchmark anniversaries.


  • BGM recommends using benchmarks that correspond with the letters we have written for this process. This means the first benchmark is their first anniversary, followed by their 5th, and every 5 years after that.

The advisor may want to include a gift with the letter to mark the occasion.

The Note field of the task should tell the user to attach the relevant anniversary letter to the task.

The Miscellaneous folder of your Document Manager has 13 Wedding Anniversary Toast letters in it by default. Each one’s name designates which anniversary it is for.

The task should be timed to print the letter 1 week before the anniversary.

It is important for the Start Date of this task to be set to start on one of these benchmark years. Set the start date to the date and year of the first benchmark you want to begin acknowledging this anniversary.

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