How to Activate the Event Processing Campaign

How to Activate the Event Processing Campaign

Go to the Customize workspace and create the Event Processing Campaign Workflow in G5 if you have never done that before.

Go to the Campaign workspace and set-up the Campaign Instance.

  1. Go to the Document Manager and create a new folder called Event Processing Campaign Letters inside the Campaign Letters folder.
  2. Upload the letters you will need for this campaign, possibly including: a confirmation message, a thanks for attending message for those who requested appointments and a second one for those who did not, and the Future Seminar letter.
  3. Name it based on the Event you are using it for.
  4. Typically, the CRM Operations Specialist (COS) is the campaign manager.
  5. Add any users who will be making follow-up calls to the campaign in the Support role.
  6. Select the Event Processing Campaign folder in the document manager as this campaign’s folder.
  7. Describe what you want this campaign to do in the description field.

Open the Campaign Instance and Add the Event Processing Campaign Workflow to it.

  1. Configure the 01-Event Scheduled to Attend step by attaching the confirmation message and selecting the signatories. If you are not using a confirmation message, or handled that during the prior event invitation campaign, instead, delete the print document activity from this step.
  2. Configure the 02-Event Processing Attended-Appointment Requested step by attaching the Thanks for Attending letter you will send to those who wanted appointments and selecting the signatories.
  3. Configure the 02-Event Processing Attended-No Appointment Requested step by attaching the Thanks for Attending letter for those who did not request an appointment and selecting the signatories.
  4. Configure the 02-Event Processing No Show step by attaching the Future Seminar document and selecting the signatories.

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