Coverage Roles

Coverage Roles

Coverage Roles are assigned to Users so that Activity Plans and Campaigns can assign activities to the person in that role.

To read more about:

Before a Coverage Role can be used, one or more Users need to be assigned that role, then assigned to cover one or more Households or Contacts in that role. The easiest way to do that is to Create a Client Coverage Group that includes these roles. Then assign the whole group to a Household or Contact.

Basic Coverage Roles

Basic Coverage Roles are the ones used in the default Activity Plans in G5. Each step in each of those Activity Plans are assigned to one of these roles.

The Activity Plan will look at which Household it is for, and who is assigned that role for that Household, then assign that step to that User.

The Basic Coverage Roles are:

  • Advisor – Convinces people to come onboard as clients. This usually involves meeting with them, making plans for them that meets their needs, and building a Trusted Family Advisor relationship with them.
  • Sales Assistant – Assists the advisor with the process of acquiring leads and moving them through the sales pipeline. This can include scheduling appointments, making reminder calls about appointments, or making follow-up calls in Campaigns.
  • Service Assistant – Assists clients with service issues. This can include making account transfers, setting up a new account, or updating contact information.
  • Computer Operator – Masters the CRM and does the majority of the work in it so others in the office can save time for their own tasks, especially the advisor. This can include data entry, printing letters, and sending scheduled emails.

Additional Coverage Roles

Additional Coverage Roles are provided for Users to customize existing Activity Plans with, or create their own Activity Plans using them.


  • Before these additional Coverage Roles can be used in an Activity Plan or Campaign, assign a User to that role, then assign them to a Household(s) in that role.

Since these additional roles are not used by any of G5’s defaults, they are open for Users to use and define how they want. The additional Coverage Roles are:

  • Assistant
  • Marketing
  • Paraplanner
  • Practice Manager
  • Relationship Manager

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