Configuring Gorilla
How to Manage Your Reminder Preferences
You can toggle a setting that controls whether or not you see reminders from tasks and/or schedule items. To manage your reminder preferences: Click User Settings. This button is your profile initials or image in the top right. Select User ...
How to Set Your Default Currency
To set your default currency: Click User Settings. This button is your profile initials or image in the top right. Select User Preferences. Select the Localization tab. Select your local currency from the dropdown list in the Currency field. Click OK ...
How to Create Anniversary Procedures
Anniversaries are important events in your client’s life. You can set the G5 CRM to help you keep track of them and even send reminders to your clients about when one is coming up. These instructions include: Creating Tasks: ...
How to Create Product Templates for your Business Model
As you create and track opportunities, they will have products associated with them. These products demonstrate the values of the potential investments. This will break your Opportunity Tracking into categories and channels of money that you and your ...
How to Create Opportunity Templates for your Business Model
Opportunities are broken into Parent and Product Opportunities. The Parent Opportunities are the bigger picture Objectives you may be working toward like Retirement or an Estate Plan, while Product Opportunities are more driven by specific ...
How to Create Opportunity Coverage Groups
As you find, log, and track opportunities, you may have specific members of your team responsible for assisting with that process. You will create Opportunity Coverage Group(s) to allow you to automate the assigning of tasks and activities to that ...
How to Create Client Coverage Groups
Your Client Coverage Group(s) will determine who has access to view the clients, prospects, and other Contact Groups that are assigned to that Coverage Group(s). To Create Your Client Coverage Group(s): Click on the Customize menu in G5. Select the ...
How to Configure User Signatures and Portraits
Each User can have a digital signature and portrait merged onto letters they will be signing and sending out. Note: To get portraits and signatures to be used in G5, please reach out to This must be done even if you ...
How to Configure User Details
Each User will have key information which will be used in various ways in the system including merging their names, credentials, and other data onto letters. To Configure User Details: Pull up the list of Users in the Contacts section in G5. Click on ...
How to Set Your Default Country
As you add and edit records in G5, it will default to the country you have set as your default when populating the country and country code fields in addressing and phone numbers. Before you begin editing records, set your country code. To Set Your ...