Error Messages
Error Deleting Virtualized Key
PROBLEM When upgrading Gorilla from 4.0 to 4.3 on Windows 64bit, you get an "error deleting virtualized key: -1" message. CAUSE We believe this happens during the database upgrade step in the Gorilla installation due to the version of Windows being ...
How to Fix Runtime Error 339
PROBLEM Run-time error '339': Component 'MSCOMSTL.OCX' or one of its dependencies is not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid. Run-time error '339': Component 'COMDLG32.OCX' or one of its dependencies is not correctly registered: a file ...
9105 String is Longer than 255 Characters
PROBLEM When trying to print an envelope from the finder to a Contact Group that has Default to Business Address checked, you get the following error: CAUSE One of the individuals in the Contact Group has a position that is a Business Position. ...
Could Not Start Transaction - Too Many Transactions Already Nested
PROBLEM When attempting to add an action into Gorilla, you get the error message "could not start transaction, too many transactions already nested." SOLUTION First, run the Database Fixer and Compact Database utilities. Database Fixer Make sure that ...
Error 2738 Could not Access VB Script Runtime for Custom Action
PROBLEM When trying to install Gorilla on your computer, you get the message: Error 2738 could not access vbscript runtime for custom action. CAUSE This error message indicates that the VBScript engine is not currently registered on the machine ...
Gorilla has Stopped Working (CLR20r3)
PROBLEM When trying to perform any kind of action within Gorilla, you get the error: Gorilla CRM has stopped working. CAUSE The Problem Event Name of CLR20r3 signifies a miscommunication with the .NET Framework. The Problem Signature 04 of G3Sync ...
License Manager Gives an Error when Clearing a License
PROBLEM I get a license manager when I try to log into Gorilla, but when I try to clear a license I get an error message. SOLUTION This will need to be corrected using MS Access. If you have MS Access on your computer, one of our Software Support ...
Runtime Error '429'
PROBLEM “When I try to open or close Gorilla, I get a runtime error 429. How do I fix this?” “Why do I get an error 429 when I try to edit or create a document?” CAUSE The problem happens because of an error in the system configuration, or a missing ...
Runtime Error 76, Path not found in Gorilla 4.x
QUESTIONS THAT APPLY TO THIS TOPIC “How do I fix an Error #76 when I try to import a satellite?” “How to I repair a ‘path not found’ error with my satellite?” ANSWERWhen trying to import to a satellite installation of Gorilla, an error stating ...
Not Supported Custom Report Error
PROBLEM When running a custom report, you get the error: Crystal Report Viewer Not Supported. Details: DAO Error Code 0xbf5 Source: DAO.Database Description: Too few parameters. Expected 1. CAUSE This problem occurs when the custom report looks ...
Please Wait While Windows Configures Gorilla
PROBLEM Gorilla will not load due to the following error message: “Please wait while Windows configures Gorilla CRM System for Financial Services.” SOLUTION Gorilla 4.2 and 4.3 Go to, click to accept the terms, then click ...
System.ArgumentException Parameter is not valid
PROBLEM In Gorilla when going to open either the Document Manager, Message Queue, Scratchpad, or other new forms within Gorilla the user would get the error: System.ArgumentException: Parameter is not valid. at System.Drawing.Font.GetHeight(Graphics ...
Unexpected Automation Error Object Invoked has Disconnected from its Clients
PROBLEM When trying to print, you get the error "unexpected automation error object invoked has disconnected from its clients." CAUSE This happens when the vsprint7.ocx file gets updated to a version that Gorilla cannot work with. SOLUTION You will ...
The Remote Data (frmMainForm) is not Accessible
PROBLEM When clicking "Save and Exit to Gorilla", a window pops up with the error window: Microsoft Word The remote data (frmMainForm) is not accessible. Do you want to start the application Baseline 2.1? CAUSE The problem occurs when editing a ...
Error "An unexpected 'division by zero' error occurred in GorillaCRM" When Going to the Scheduler
PROBLEM I get the error Program Error Intercepted “An unexpected ‘division by zero’ error occurred in GorillaCRM” when I go into the scheduler. CAUSEThis is caused by the data not saving correctly in the backend for a recurring action item. ...
Unexpected Disk or Network Error
PROBLEM "Program Error Intercepted an unexpected 'disk or network error.' error occurred in GorillaCRM. 1 error(s) are logged.” CAUSE This is normally caused by the network or network drives disconnecting while Gorilla is open. SOLUTION Verify you ...
An unexpected item not found in this collection
PROBLEM Program Error Intercepted. An unexpected 'item not found in this collection' error occurred in GorillaCRM. SOLUTION Have everyone exit out of Gorilla and restart the server. If the problem still persists, send the Database in for repair. Call ...
Automation Error or Runtime Error 3251
PROBLEM Automation Error or Runtime Error 3251. CAUSE The “automation error” and the “runtime error 3251” both refer to the same problem: A corrupt installation of Microsoft Office or one or more of its components. SOLUTION To remedy this problem, ...
An Unexpected Syntax Error in Union Query
PROBLEM Getting the error message “An unexpected syntax error in union query. # error(s) have been logged.” CAUSE This could be a result of a corruption in the database, namely having to do with campaigns. This error may also come from the Current ...
An Unexpected Syntax Error (Missing Operator)
PROBLEM Getting the following error message in scheduler: CAUSE There are a few reasons you may be getting this error: You have one or more Staffgroups without any system users in them. The System Users within one or more Staffgroups are inactive. ...
Database Path Uninitialized
PROBLEM When sending a message to a selection rule, you get the error “database path uninitialized” followed by the visual basic debugger, and nothing will print. SOLUTION Reinstalling Gorilla should fix this problem. Uninstall Gorilla Right click on ...
Field Worksheet_0XX.Field_00X cannot be a Zero-Length String
PROBLEM An unhandled exception has occurred in a component in your application ... Field "worksheet_0XX.Field_00X" cannot be a zero-length string. CAUSE A required field in the worksheet is blank. When trying to save the worksheet it will give this ...
Field is too Small to Accept the Amount of Data
PROBLEM When trying to send a message to a Selection Rule or Contact Group, you get the error: “Unhandled exception has occurred in a component in your application.” If you click Continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to ...
Run Macro Error "Error 438" Object Doesn't Support This Property or Method
PROBLEM When printing a script/checklist you get: Run Macro Error: Error #438: Object doesn't support this property or method SOLUTION Open the Document Manager (Messaging>Document Manager) Click on the drop down at the top left and choose ...
Run Macro Error -2147352567 Method ‘~’ of objective ‘~’ failed
PROBLEM This method or property is not available because the current selection is not a graphic. Microsoft Word document “” opens and says: Bill Good Marketing, Inc., MS-Word 97/2000 Letters Template for Gorilla 2.0 – DO NOT MODIFY. ...
System.InvalidCastException Unable to case object of type ‘System.DBNull’ to type ‘System.string’
PROBLEM When trying to print a message to a Selection Rule, on the Contact Groups screen of the Send Message window when you click on the "Next" button you get the Error Message: System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type ...
Microsoft Visual Basic Overflow
PROBLEM When trying to customize a message in Gorilla, you get a visual basic overflow error. CAUSE When customizing a message in Gorilla, the program opens a Word document that has a hexadecimal file name. Part of the customization process includes ...
Requested Member of the Collection Does Not Exist
PROBLEM When trying to print a letter from Gorilla to a single CG record you get the error message, “The requested member of the collection does not exist." When trying to preview the message before printing, the window hangs or becomes unresponsive ...
Unable to Compact Database Error #0
PROBLEM When trying to compact the database using the Gorilla Compact Database utility, you get the message ‘Error 0.’ SOLUTION Point your real Gorilla at the Playground database file. In Gorilla, click Tools>Options>Directories. Click on the three ...
Unexpected ‘Index Out of Bounds’ Error After Deleting an Individual Record from a Contact Group
PROBLEM After deleting an Individual from a Contact Group record, you get the error “Program Error Intercepted, An unexpected 'index out of bounds' error occurred in GorillaCRM.” CAUSE This is error is due to the Individual being deleted having an ...
Unexpected the Search Key was not Found
PROBLEM When trying to add an action into Gorilla, you get the pop up message: Program error intercepted ‘an unexpected the search key was not found in any record’. CAUSE There are potentially a few causes for this issue: The Actions table in the ...
Word could not create the work file
PROBLEM When saving a document in Microsoft Word, you receive the following error message: “Word could not create the work file. Check the Temp environment variable.” CAUSE The Temporary Internet Files folder for Windows Internet Explorer is set to a ...
Microsoft Jet OLE DB 4.0 Provider Is Not Registered on the Local Machine
PROBLEM When opening Gorilla or Gorilla Playground, you get the error: “MS Jet OLE DB 4.0 provider is not registered on the local machine.” CAUSE This is caused by one or more of the MS Jet OLE Provider’s components not being registered with Windows. ...
How to Fix Runtime Error 4605
PROBLEM When Using Word 2013 with Gorilla, and trying to open the letter to "View" from within the Send Message Window, you get the message; Run-time error '4605': The Unexpected method or property is not available because this command is not ...
Type Mismatch Error during Import
PROBLEM When importing a list or a Campaign, you get a “Type Mismatch” error. CAUSE This is usually caused by importing the wrong file type or trying to import a zipped file. SOLUTION Campaigns If the Campaign downloaded came in a compressed (zipped) ...
How to Fix Letter Missing from Document Manager
PROBLEM When importing a letter, Gorilla gives the message "A file with the name "Lettername.ONE" already exists. Please rename the file you are trying to import or delete the existing document via Gorilla.", but the letter is missing from the ...
How to Renew the ESP License in Gorilla
QUESTIONS THAT APPLY TO THIS TOPIC I got a message when starting Gorilla that says “Your ESP expired on MM/DD/YYYY. # database logins are now disabled.” - How do I renew? I got a message when starting Gorilla that says “Your ESP will expire in # days ...
Unexpected Invalid System Owner Checksum
PROBLEM When Opening Gorilla you get an “Unexpected invalid system owner checksum”, or similar message. CAUSE This error generally occurs when something corrupts a part of the database. IE: A failed Campaign import, or an interrupted upgrade. ...
Automation Error “Object Reference Not Set to An Instance of an Object”
PROBLEM I am getting the error "Automation Error 'Object Reference not set to an instance of an Object'” when opening Gorilla. CAUSE If you are installing Gorilla on a Windows 8.1 (64 bit) system or newer, you may run into an error when opening ...
An Error Occurred While Running this Speedbutton
PROBLEM When trying to run a Speedbutton, you get the following error message: When trying to edit the Speedbutton, you get the error "Cannot Find Letter Setup." SOLUTION You will need to delete and then recreate the Speedbutton's command. In ...
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