Viewing existing reports

Viewing existing reports

To view a report, hover over the report in the Reports data table, click the More Actions button   and then click the View Report button  , or double-click the report in the Reports data table.

The data in the Details tab of a report automatically refreshes each time you open a report. However, you may need to click the Update Report button   to refresh the data in the Summary and Visualization tabs.

When viewing a report, you can:

  • Update the report to reflect the latest changes to Gorilla 5 data.
  • Sort the report summary and report details.
  • Transpose rows to columns and columns to rows in the report summary.
  • Export the report's raw data, summary, and visualization. If you are a report administrator, you can export a report's JSON definition.
  • Open details pages in Gorilla 5 by clicking on links for associated objects in the Details tab that have detail data (for example, people, companies, service requests, deals (and other opportunities)). For example, when you are viewing a deals report that uses the Owner field, you can click on an owner's name in the Details tab to open the owner's detail page on the Contacts workspace.
  • Display the report definition version, subject area name, last executed time, and if applicable, the next scheduled run time of the report in the About tab.
  • Schedule reports and send reports by email to a distribution list in the About tab.
  • Click the links for collections   in the Details tab to see the included fields of the collection together with the default collection field.

Viewing fields of a collection

In the Details tab, the collections icon   in the data table indicates that the field is a collection.

Click on the icon to see the fields of the collection that you added to the report.

To add more fields from a collection to a report, you must add the fields to the report in the Add Fields dialog for the report.

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