Tokens that can Merge in G5 Rules

Tokens that can Merge in G5 Rules

Token Definition
Position The Recipient’s position field (Note: This is for their business position)
Title The Recipient’s title field (Mr., Mrs., Prof., Dr., etc.)
Title2 The Recipient’s spouse’s title
AdvNicknameOrNames The Recipient’s advisor’s first name
BusinessEmail The Recipient’s business email
BusinessFax The Recipient’s business fax
EmailAddress The Recipient’s email address
Fax The Recipient’s fax
HomeEmail The Recipient’s home email
PrimaryBusinessPhone The Recipient’s business phone
PrimaryHomePhone The Recipient’s home phone
BirthdayWithYear The Recipient’s birthday
Birthday2WithYear The Recipient’s spouse’s birthday.
Sex The Recipient’s gender
Sex2 The Recipient’s spouse’s gender
FirstName The Recipient’s first name
FirstName2 The Recipient’s spouse’s first name
MiddleName The Recipient’s middle name
MiddleName2 The Recipient’s spouse’s middle name
LastName The Recipient’s last name
LastName2 The Recipient’s spouse’s last name
Nickname The Recipient’s “goes by” field
Nickname2 The Recipient’s spouse’s “goes by” field
Address1 The Recipient’s preferred address 1
Address2 The Recipient’s preferred address 2
AddressFull The Recipient’s preferred address 1 and 2
AddressName The Recipient’s addressee field
birthDate The Recipient’s date of birth
birthdaySummaryString The Recipient’s birthday (month and day only)
City The Recipient’s preferred address city
Zip The Recipient’s default address’ zip/postal code
Country The Recipient’s preferred address country
email The Recipient’s normal email
employerName The Recipient’s employer field
fullNameTitleFirstLast The Recipient’s Title, first name, and last name
homeAddressCity The Recipient’s home address’ city field
homeAddressCountry The Recipient’s home address country field
homeAddressState The Recipient’s home address state field
homeAddressStreet The Recipient’s home address street field
homeAddressZip The Recipient’s home address zip field
nameLast The Recipient’s last name
TodayDate Today, in MMMM dd, yyyy format
nowDay The current day of the month in dd format
nowMonth The current month in MMM format
nowYear The current year in yyyy format
phoneFax The Recipient’s fax number
phoneHome The Recipient’s home phone number
phoneMobile The Recipient’s mobile phone number
phoneWork The Recipient’s work phone number
Salutation The Recipient’s dear field
SignatoryPicture1 The signatory 1’s portrait
SignatoryPicture2 The signatory 2’s portrait
Signature1 The signatory 1’s digital signatures
Signature2 The signatory 2’s digital signatures
SignatoryCredentials1 The signatory 1’s affix field
SignatoryCredentials2 The signatory 2’s affix field
SignatoryFirstName1 The signatory 1’s first name
SignatoryFirstName2 The signatory 2’s first name
SignatoryLine1 The signatory 1’s dear field
SignatoryLine2 The signatory 2’s dear field
SignatoryTitle1 The signatory 1’s position field
SignatoryTitle2 The signatory 2’s position field
spouseName The Recipient’s spouse’s name
ssn The Recipient’s SSN/Tax ID field
State The Recipient’s default address’ state field
userAffix The current user’s affix field
userFirstName The current user’s first name
userFullNameFirstLast The current user’s first name and last name
userFullPosition The current user’s position field
userInitials The current user’s initials
userLastName The current user’s last name
CompanyDirections The signatory 1’s delivery instructions
CompanyName The signatory 1’s company name field
CompanyPhone The signatory 1’s company’s preferred phone number
CompanyAddress The signatory 1’s company’s default address
CompanyCity The signatory 1’s company’s default address' city
CompanyState The signatory 1’s company’s default address' state
CompanyZip The signatory 1’s company’s default address' zip
EmployerAddress The Recipient’s employer's default address
EmployerCity The Recipient’s employer's default address' city
EmployerState The Recipient’s employer's default address' state
EmployerZip The Recipient’s employer's default address' zip

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