Report Fields

Report Fields

Fields are the basic building block of ad hoc reports. Each field represents an attribute that you want to view in the report.

You can select fields in the Details tab in the Report Builder.

  • Conduct a direct search for fields by entering the field name in the Add Fields text search field,
  • or click the Select button   in the Details tab to open the Add Fields dialog, where you can view all available fields and select from them.

The dialog also includes a text search field similar to the one on the main Details tab.

The collections icon   identifies a collection which groups related fields.

  • Some collection fields are expandable to display additional fields related to each value of the group.
  • You can include these collection fields in your report and expand them to select the additional fields.

Selected fields and default fields of selected collections display as columns in the preview data table in the report data pane.

The columns refresh in real time as you add, remove, or modify fields.

You can reorder the fields using drag-and-drop in the Fields section of the Details tab.

If you export a report, the columns of the exported report have the fields in the order set in the Details tab.

However, for the columns in the preview data table, selected fields are grouped to display non-collection fields first and then the default fields of selected collections.

Fields that you can group your report summary by are available for selection in the Summary tab in the report settings pane.

Fields that you can add calculations to are available for selection in the Calculations section.

After you add a field, you can apply filters to include or exclude specific records from the report. For some fields, multiple selection dialogs are available, where you can select specific values to include or exclude. For other fields, you can use operators, such as equals, contains, greater than, less than, between, unspecified, and so on, to define the filter.

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