Report Builder

Report Builder

Use the Report Builder to define or edit a report. Launch the Report Builder by clicking the Add Report button   on the top right of the Reports data table or by clicking the Edit Report button   for an existing report.

The Report Builder displays a preview of your report summary and raw data. The preview automatically refreshes as you update the settings.

The Report Builder consists of the following:

  • A banner with the name, description, and View and edit permissions setting for the report. The View and edit permissions setting determines whether the report is private or public.
  • A report settings pane on the left-hand side with the following tabs:
    • Details - Select the fields you want to add to your reports and refine your report data by applying filters to fields.
    • Summary - Define your report summary by adding groupings and calculations.
    • Visualization - Define chart values for your data. The fields and calculations in this tab can be different from the Summary tab, depending on the settings you use.
  • A report data pane on the right-hand side that shows previews for the following data:
    • When the Details tab is selected, it displays a preview of the raw report data.
      • Display additional columns using the chevron buttons    .
      • In Contacts, Opportunities, and Deals reports, double-click a row to view the associated record on the applicable workspace.
      • Some collections provide links to associated records on the applicable workspace.
    • When the Summary tab is selected, it displays a preview of the summary of significant report data based on the groupings and calculations you defined.
    • When the Visualization tab is selected, you can select the required chart for your data and display a graphical preview of your data.
  • An action button to
    • Save the report 
    • Cancel creation of the report 
    • When editing an existing report, an additional action button to revert your changes 

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