Relationship Hierarchy

Relationship Hierarchy

The relationship hierarchy displays all the relationships other entities have with the entity you are looking at. It uses a tree-type view.

This structure is company and household oriented, but the tree also displays user-created relationships between entities based on relationship custom fields.

On the Contacts workspace, an entity's Hierarchy tab displays the relationship hierarchy for a selected entity in the following sub tabs:

  • If you want to record an entity's relationship with a business, do it in the Company subtab.
  • If you are looking at a User's record, and want to see who they report to, the Reports To subtab will tell you.
  • If you want to see all the members of a contact's household, it's recorded in the Household subtab. This also links directly to the other member's records.

Relationship hierarchy directionality

The node above a given entity in the tree is referred to as its parent node, and an entity below it is referred to as its child node.

To move through the relationship hierarchy, you can:

  • Click the Expand button   to expand a node in the tree and view the node's children.
  • Click the Collapse button   to collapse a node in the tree.
  • Click an entity's name to navigate to its detail page.

The hierarchy also displays relationship custom fields that are used to define a relationship between two entities. A relationship custom field's value is another entity in the system.

Relationships defined by relationship custom fields are not considered child or parent nodes in the relationship hierarchy.

By expanding successive nodes in the tree, you can navigate the hierarchy to see how entities are related to each other and understand the organization structure that an entity is a part of.

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