The Opportunity Workspace lists all the opportunities you have access to. You can use this workspace to review opportunities, manage activities associated with your opportunities, and create new and edit existing opportunities.
Opportunities can be viewed in All Opportunities, or be divided up between:
Use the Search field to find opportunities using the full description or a part of the description.
The Search field supports the “*” and “?” wildcard characters.
Use filter chips to refine the search by looking for opportunities with specific criteria. You can use a combination of filter chips for additional refinement.
Filter Options let you:
The data table displays a list of opportunities that match your search or filter criteria.
You can do the following in the data table:
You can also click More Actions to be able to:
Hover over a report or dashboard to reveal action buttons to:
Items per page lets you select between 10, 25, 50, or 100 opportunities shown per page.
The chevron buttons
switch pages to view additional items.