How to Use Activities on the SLM Workspace

How to Use Activities on the SLM Workspace

Activities help the SLM remember when each person needs each type of touch.

When you create an activity, the SLM understands that you have a scheduled touch at that time, depending on the type of activity.

When you complete an activity, the SLM knows that the touch has been completed.

Since activities are so heavily involved in its operations, you can interact with activities directly from inside the SLM.

Touch Status

The Touch Status column in the SLM will show you when an activity has been scheduled or will show as ‘unscheduled’ if there is nothing currently scheduled that would meet the criteria for that Touch Type.

When an activity has been scheduled, it will display the date of that activity. It will also become a hyperlink to it. Clicking the link will open the Edit screen for the activity.

When there is no activity scheduled for that touch type, it will display the word ‘Unscheduled.’ When that is the case, you can use the Schedule Touch button to create a new activity that will fulfill this touch (see below).

  Past Due Touches and Activities That Don’t Get Marked Complete

Usually, when someone is past due in the SLM, their portrait will have red around it.

This is assuming that Household would be missed and then appear ‘past due’ if activities are not scheduled for them.

However, sometimes an activity will slip through the cracks and not get marked complete when it should.


  • A Touch Type that is past due, but has an activity scheduled, even in the distant past, and not completed, will not show up red like other past due touches.

  Best Practices:

  • Mark activities complete as soon as they are completed.
  • When looking for past due touches, look at the Days Until Target column. A negative number there shows you how far past due a touch really is.

Please note: If there is already an activity scheduled that will update the Last Touch, the Schedule Touch button will be greyed out and will not allow you to schedule another activity to meet that Touch Type’s requirements. You certainly CAN still schedule other activities for the Household, just not from the Service Level Management workspace.

Last Touch

This column looks at the history of activities in that person’s record. It will show you the date of the last activity that was completed and fulfilled that Touch Type. In this case, it displays the date of that activity.

If a record doesn’t have a corresponding activity marked complete, it will just be blank in this column.

Schedule Touch

When a touch is unscheduled, the Schedule Touch button will become available. Click that button to create an activity that will satisfy that Touch Type. If you are looking at unscheduled Personal Contact touches, you will see the options for Incoming and Outgoing Call Tasks, along with various meeting and phone call Scheduled Item types. If you are looking at unscheduled Portfolio Reviews, it will have regular and virtual portfolio review Scheduled Item types.

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