How to Synchronize Outlook/PDA with Gorilla 4.3 and older

How to Synchronize Outlook/PDA with Gorilla 4.3 and older


  • How do I sync my contacts in Gorilla and Outlook?
  • How do I sync the Scheduler with Outlook?


Before you synchronize your Gorilla database with Outlook for the first time, you must choose the settings that govern what info you will be synchronizing and how.  The following assists you with that process. 

Typically, synchronizing with Outlook is a way of getting data to a non-Palm handheld device.  That second process is not and cannot be covered in this documentation.  

Your Database 

First, you need each Contact Group’s Home and Business Address Bundles to be correct and up to date.  If they aren’t, make them so now.  Specifically: 

  • In the main Address Bundle (Home or Business) for the CG, you want the decisionmaker to be First Addressee—yes, even if that’s a wife Addressed as Married; the program still combines names correctly, if you’ve got their Gender entries right. 
  • The main email, if any, should also be in the main Address Bundle. 
  • Appropriate voice and fax phones should appear in both Home and Business Bundles.
  • Obviously, the above and all other data should be accurate. 


Preparing for Synchronization 

If there is any data that is currently only in Outlook and you would like it to be synced with Gorilla, get it typed into Gorilla before syncing. 

Before synchronizing do backups of both

your Outlook and Gorilla databases!


Selecting Your CompanionLink/Palm Synchronization Settings


Gorilla & Welcome 

  1. At the top of your Gorilla window, select “Import / Export,” then choose the “PDA/Outlook Sync Tool,” once that opens, select “Change Settings.” 

  2. If no settings have been entered, the first screen will tell you “Welcome.” Just click “Next.” 

Handheld PDA Settings  

  1. On the pull-down menu in PDA Name select “Outlook.” 
  2. Click “Configure.” 


  1. The location shown in the field should be where your master database file is located—usually C:\Program Files\Bill Good Marketing\Gorilla CRM FS 4.3 for a 32bit system or C:\Program Files (x86)\Bill Good Marketing\Gorilla CRM FS 4.3 for a 64-bit system, unless it is in a network folder on your master computer or server machine. 
    • If you do not know the location of your database file, in Gorilla select “Tools, Options,” click the “Directories” tab, and check the Database directory. 

    • When you know the location shown is correct, continue with the next step. 
  2. If you want the appointments you deleted in Palm to be deleted from Gorilla upon synchronization, mark “Process Deletes.” 
  3. When ready, click the “Contact Group Filters” tab.

Contact Group Filters 

  1. If only one System Owner is listed, just mark its check box.  But if you are in a partnership, CGs will be synchronized only if both their System Owners (“RRIDs”) are selected here, or if their Primary System Owner is selected here and their Secondary System Owner is blank.  Mark the checkbox(es) accordingly, as many as needed. 
  2. For Selection Rules, you must choose a single Rule, probably one that selects all and only your Clients and Prospects.  (Before you perform your first synchronization, you should open the Finder in Gorilla and verify that the Rule contains all and only the names you expect.) 
  3. When ready, click the “New Appointments/Notes” tab. 

New Appointments/Notes  

  1. In the left-hand column, mark the one System User who should be set as the Originator of every appointment and Note that has been added in Outlook when it is transferred into Gorilla. (This will probably be the Outlook user.) 
  2. In the right-hand column, mark the one Staffgroup that all appointments added in Outlook should be assigned to—probably one that includes the Outlook user. 
  3. When ready, click the “Action Filter” tab. 

Action Filter 

  1. A System User will ordinarily want only the Staffgroup(s) containing him or her. But if, for example, a Service Assistant wants to have an Advisor’s Actions as well as the SV’s, select appropriate additional Staffgroups. 
  2. When ready, click the “Transfer Method” tab. 

Transfer Method 

  1. Most System Users will want the default setting, “synchronize changes both ways,” which is the first choice listed. 
    • The second choice, “Add Gorilla info to Outlook,” adds Gorilla data to Outlook without writing over anything in that database. 
    • The third choice, “Add Outlook info to Gorilla,” transfers data one-way the other way. 
    • Note that deletion in Outlook of a record previously transferred from Gorilla IS data, and this synchronization will also delete that record in Gorilla. 
  2. Whenever required, this tab (like the others) can be changed before a synchronization. 
  3. When ready, click the “Applications” tab. 


  1. By default, both Contacts and Calendar are marked. If you need to unmark either, do so now. 
  2. When ready, click the “Purge and Reload” tab. 
  3. You are not likely to want either choice here as you begin synchronization. 
    • If for any reason you must now or later remove all data from Outlook’s Contacts and/or Calendar, marking either or both boxes will apply for the next sync only. 
    • You do not have to remember to come back and clear these. 
    • However, if your Outlook is storing a “Deleted Items” folder, clearing it before synchronizing again seems to avoid an “abnormal program termination.” 
  4. Click “OK” to save all settings made since you clicked Configure. 

Handheld PDA Settings (again) and Out  

  1. Click “Next.”  Read the “You are now ready to synchronize” message and then click “Finish.” 

Performing the Synchronization 

  1. Once settings are specified, synchronization with Outlook is a one-step process: 1. In Gorilla, select “Import / Export, PDA/Outlook Sync Tool.” 
  2. Click “Perform Sync.” 

When that process is complete, you can synchronize Outlook with any handheld device it supports.

Note: BGM cannot support this second element of your synchronization.

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