How to Set-up the Next Available Statuses in a Workflow Template

How to Set-up the Next Available Statuses in a Workflow Template

Graphical user interface, text, application, chat or text messageDescription automatically generated A Workflow Template is the framework of the campaign.

This article covers the second part of creating one: Setting up the next available statuses needed to run your campaign.

To edit or create a Workflow Template:

Go to Customize→Campaigns→Workflow Templates.

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Click on the name of an existing workflow template to edit it.

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When a contact is being moved from one status to another, they may only be moved from their current Participant Status into one of them designated as a Next Available Status. This is how the campaign flows.

Your first Participant Status automatically has the second as it’s assigned Next Available Status. You will need to assign the others in the way you want the workflow to work.


  • Each Participant Status can have zero, one, or more Participant Statuses.
  • If you want your campaign to cycle repeatedly, then include the first Participant Status as a next available option for the last Participant Status.

To add a Next Available Status to a Participant Status in the workflow:

Click the Edit button for a Participant Status. Click the Select Status button.

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Check the boxes for each status you want this step to flow into next and click OK when finished.

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Repeat for each Participant Status.

EXAMPLE: In the Reply Card campaign I am building:

  • I want to set 2-RC Holding as the Next Available Status for 1-RC Promotion.
  • I want to set 3-RC Not Interested, 3-RC Response 1, and 3-RC Response 2 all as Next Available Statuses for 2-RC Holding.
  • I do not want to set any Next Available Statuses for 3-RC Not Interested, 3-RC Response 1, or 3-RC Response 2.

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