How to Run the SLM Touches Report on the Contact Workspace

How to Run the SLM Touches Report on the Contact Workspace

SLM Touches Report brings the SLM to the Contact Workspace. You can run it on a specific list of people, a specific SLM touch type, and/or a specific Touch Status.

  Best Practice:

  • This report is most useful when you need to divide your SLM lists by different categories or custom fields.

Create the list you want to run the SLM Touches Report on.

  1. Go to the Contact Workspace.
  2. Apply the filter(s) you want to use to create your list.

Start the SLM Touches Report.

  1. Click the Report button.
  2. Select SLM Touches Report to open the Specify Report Parameters window.

Set up the report the way you want it to run.

  1. Select Current Contact List.
  2. Select the Touch Type.
  3. Select either the Standard Reporting Period for that Touch Type or select Range to enter a specific date range.
    If you run the report using the Standard Reporting Periods, you can choose to look at the current period, or a later one.

      Standard Reporting Periods for each Touch Type:

    • Personal Contact reports monthly.
    • Portfolio Review reports quarterly.
    • Education Event and social event reports semi-annually.
    • Birthday Lunch reports annually.

    If you run the report using a specific date range, enter the date range you want.

  4. Check the box to Include overdue touches.
  5. Choose the Unscheduled Touch Status. You can also change it to another Touch Status if you want to, but most commonly, this report is used to find unscheduled touches.
  6. Set Sort by to Last Touch.
  7. Set Group by to Tier
  8. Check the Show Activities and Show the full note for each activity boxes if you want the report to include the activity history of each person.


    • Selecting these two options will result in a much longer report.
    • A longer report can be overwhelming.
    • To generate a shorter report, uncheck these boxes and do not include the activity history of each person.
  9. Choose a format for the report based on your tastes:
    • PDF – This format provides a neat, easy to read report.
    • Excel – This format has all the advantages of a spreadsheet.
    • RTF – This format is a text file that can be used on nearly any device.

  10. Click Run Report.

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