How to Run the Opportunity Detail Report

How to Run the Opportunity Detail Report

The Opportunity Detail Report compiles all the information about one or more Opportunities in a report that makes it easy to view all at once.

This report includes:

  • The name of the Opportunity and the Household it is for.
  • All details entered for the Opportunity, including the owner.
  • The products associated with the Opportunity.
  • The names of everyone on the Coverage Team for the Opportunity.
  • Any additional Households or Contacts associated with the Opportunity, along with their contact information.
  • Any interaction details you choose to include in the report.

To run this report:

  1. Go to the Opportunity workspace.
  2. Filter the workspace to the set of Opportunities you want the report for.
    A common filter used for this report is Team Member this user and Status equals Open. This will look at all of your own Opportunities that are still open.
  3. Click Reports. Select Opportunity Detail Report

Choose the parameters for the report.

  1. Select Current Opportunity List to run the report on your current filter. Select Current Opportunity to run it on the single selected Opportunity.
  2. Select Show Overview to include the Opportunity’s overview in the report.
  3. Select Page Break After Each Opportunity to separate each one onto separate pages.
  4. Select the Interaction Options you want to include in the report.
    • Select Show Activities to select any other options regarding activities. Selecting this will include activities that are related to the Opportunity in the report.
    • Select Show the full note for each activity to include each activity’s notes in the report.
    • Use Activity filter options to apply additional filters to the Opportunities shown. Unlike a Contact Detail report, this option is rarely used, since each Opportunity already has only the activities associated with it.

  5. Select PDF to download the report as a PDF, or RTF to download it as a text file.

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