How to merge Households and Contacts

How to merge Households and Contacts

In G5 you can merge two Households together or two Contacts together.

  • A Household and a Contact are unable to be merged.

If you have duplicate individuals inside duplicate Households, the best practice is to merge the duplicate Contacts first, then merge the Households.

How to Merge Contacts

Go to the Contact Workspace, Select Contacts and type the name of the Contact you want to merge in the search bar.

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Click the More Actions button to the right of the Contact and select Merge Into…

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Select the Contact you would like to merge the first Contact into. Click OK.


  • The Contact you select in this step will be the dominant one in the merge. Where there is a difference, it will keep its own details, and only add in ones it is missing from the Contact you selected at the beginning of the process.
  • This Contact will end up with all of the addresses, emails, and phone numbers from both Contacts.

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A batch process will begin to perform the merge. Click Continue.

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You will receive a notification when it is complete:
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How to Merge a Household

Go to the Contact Workspace, select Households and type the name of the Household you would like to merge in the search bar.

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Change the Head of Household to a different role. Each Household can only have one Head of Household. Decide this before merging to avoid any errors during the merge.

Do the same thing with spouse, so that between the two Households there is only one spouse.

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Click the More Actions button to the right of the Household and select Merge Into…

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Select the Household you want the first one merged into. Click OK.


  • The Household you select in this step will be the dominant one in the merge. Where there is a difference, it will keep its own details, and only add in ones it is missing from the Household you selected at the beginning of the process.
  • This Household will end up with all addresses, emails, and phone numbers from both Households.

A batch process will begin to perform the merge. Click Continue.

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You will receive a notification when it is complete:

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