How to Manage Communication Defaults

How to Manage Communication Defaults

Addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses all have default settings that should be chosen for each Household and Contact. They are not set automatically.

You may notice that some reports do not fill in communication information until these defaults are chosen. For example, the Contact List report on the Contacts workspace:

Address Defaults

To access someone’s address defaults:

  1. Go into their Household or Contact Record on the Contacts workspace.
  2. Go to the Detail Tab.
  3. Click the Address Defaults button.
  4. Choose the address you want in each field.
    These fields will appear in various reports and workspaces throughout G5. They will remain blank if the Household or Contact does not have any address(s) set in this window.

Phone Number Defaults

To access someone’s phone number defaults:

  1. Go into their Household or Contact Record on the Contacts workspace.
  2. Go to the Detail Tab.
  3. Click the Communication Defaults button.
  4. Choose the phone number you want in each field.
    These fields will appear in various reports and workspaces throughout G5. They will remain blank if the Household or Contact does not have these fields filled in.

Email Address Defaults

To access someone’s email address defaults:

  1. Go into their Household or Contact Record on the Contacts workspace.
  2. Go to the Detail Tab.
  3. Click the Communication Defaults button.
  4. Choose the primary email address that will be displayed in the banner. This will also be used for merge fields and in reports that call for it.
  5. Toggle Yes or No in the “Send To” column for each email. This indicates whether an email will be sent to that address whenever you send an email message to this Household or Contact.

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