How to Make a Rule That Matches Closed Opportunity Outcomes and Stages

How to Make a Rule That Matches Closed Opportunity Outcomes and Stages

This rule will make it so that when you set a Product Opportunity’s Outcome to Won, it will update the stage to Closed – Won, automatically. It will also do the reverse when you set the stage to Closed – Won.

  Note #1:

  • This rule applies to Product Opportunities, but you can make one for Parent Opportunities the same way.
  • To do that, select Parent Opportunity instead of Product Opportunity in “Create the Rule” step #5.

  Note #2:

  • This rule covers when an Opportunity is won, but you can make one for an Opportunity that lost as well.
  • To do that, select Closed – Lost when the instructions tell you to select the stage Closed – Won. And select Lost when the instructions tell you to select the outcome Won.

  Note #3:

  • Once you understand how this rule works, you can use the format of this rule to match any opportunity stage to any opportunity outcome.

To get started:

  1. Go to the Customize workspace.
  2. Go to the Rules tab.
  3. Click Manage Rules to open the Rule Editor Interface.

Create the Rule

  1. Click Add Rule.
  2. Select Product Opportunity.
  3. Name the Rule Closed – Won.
  4. Select Modification only. Click OK.

Add Criteria to the Rule

  1. Click Edit in the Criteria section.
  2. Click Add in the window that pops up.
  3. Click Select.
  4. Select Product Opportunity in the first column, then Outcome in the second column. Then click OK.
  5. Check the Has Changed box.
  6. Set the Condition to equals.
  7. Set the Value to Won.
  8. Click Add again.
  9. Set the first line of Criteria to OR.
  10. Click Select on the new line of Criteria.
  11. Select Product Opportunity in the first column, then Stage in the second column. Then click OK.
  12. Check the Has Changed box.
  13. Set the Condition to equals.
  14. Set the Value to Closed – Won.
  15. Click OK.

Add Actions to the Rule

  1. Click the Add button in the Actions section. Select Update Field.
  2. Type “Closed – Won” into the Description. Then click Select in the “Set value of” field.
  3. Select Product Opportunity in the first column, then Stage in the second column. Then click OK.
  4. Set the To field to Closed – Won. Click OK.
  5. Click the Add button in the Actions section. Select Update Field.
  6. Type “Won” into the Description. Then click Select in the “Set value of” field.
  7. Select Product Opportunity in the first column, then Outcome in the second column. Then click OK.
  8. Select Won in the To field. Click OK when finished.

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