How to Make a Rule That Launches an Activity Plan When a Household Becomes a Client

How to Make a Rule That Launches an Activity Plan When a Household Becomes a Client

This rule will make it so that when an existing prospect household’s status is changed to client, it launches the Red Carpet Activity Plan. It will also send a notification to the SV that the new client needs to have its Service Level evaluated as a client.

  1. Go to the Customize workspace.
  2. Go to the Rules tab.
  3. Click Manage Rules to open the Rule Editor Interface.

Create the Rule

  1. Click Add Rule.
  2. Select Household.
  3. Name the Rule Red Carpet.
  4. Select Modification only. Click OK.

Add Criteria to the Rule

  1. Click Edit in the Criteria section.
  2. Click Add in the window that pops up.
  3. Click Select.
  4. Select Household in the first column, then Status in the second column. Then click OK.
  5. Check the Has Changed box.
  6. Set the Condition to Equals.
  7. Set the Value to Client.
  8. Click OK.

Add Actions to the Rule

  1. Click the Add button in the Actions section. Select Create Activity Plan.
  2. Set the Execution to Immediate.
  3. Click Select on the Template field.
  4. Select Red Carpet-New Client Cash. Click OK.
  5. Set For Contact to Contact from the Target Object.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Click the Add button again. Select Send Notification.
  8. Type “New Client Tier Evaluation” into the Description field on the Details tab.
  9. Set the Channels to Notification Stream on the Channels and Messages tab.
  10. Type “${lastName} has become a new client. Tier E and Service Level Prospect are no longer appropriate for them. Evaluate which tier and service level they should have as a client.” into the Notification Stream Message field.
  11. Click Select next to Roles on the Recipients tab.
  12. Click Household in the first column. Click Household Coverage in the second column. Select Service Assistant from the third column. Click OK.
  13. Click OK to finish creating the Rule.

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