How to Make a Rule that Fills in Blank Dear Fields When a Contact is Created

How to Make a Rule that Fills in Blank Dear Fields When a Contact is Created

When you create a contact, this rule will add the first name to the dear field if you leave it blank. If you fill in the dear field yourself, this rule won’t activate.

  1. Go to the Customize workspace.
  2. Go to the Rules tab.
  3. Click Manage Rules to open the Rule Editor Interface.

Create the Rule

  1. Click Add Rule.
  2. Select Contact.
  3. Name the Rule “Dear”.
  4. Select Creation only. Click OK.

Add Criteria to the Rule

  1. Click Edit in the Criteria section.
  2. Click Add in the window that pops up.
  3. Click Select.
  4. Select Contact in the first column, then Dear in the second column. Then click OK.
  5. Set the Condition to unspecified.
  6. Click OK.

Add Actions to the Rule

  1. Click the Add button in the Actions section. Select Update Field.
  2. Type “Dear” into the Description. Then click Selectin the “Set value of” field.
  3. Select Contact in the first column, then Dear in the second column. Then click OK.
  4. Type FirstName in the To field. Click OK.

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