How to Find a Specific Task

How to Find a Specific Task

Tasks are how you track many of your activities. Finding a specific one in order to update it is a vital skill to master early.

There are a LOT of ways to find any one task. This article will break them down based on what you know about the task you are looking for. All the methods mentioned below can be combined to help you find your task.

The first thing you know about it is that it is a task.

All tasks can be found on the Tasks Workspace.

Go to the Tasks Workspace.

Do you know what the description of the task says?

Filter the Tasks Workspace to show you only tasks that match the description you type.

  1. Type the description into the search bar and press enter.

Do you know what Household or Contact the task is for?

Filter the Tasks Workspace to show you only tasks for that person.

  1. Click Filter Options.
  2. Select Add filter fields.
  3. Check the box next to For and click OK.
  4. Type the name of the person or Household into the search bar.
  5. Check the box beside their name and click Apply.

Do you know what the status of the task is?

Filter the Tasks Workspace to show you only tasks with the status of your choice.

  1. Click the Status filter to open it.
  2. Check the box next to the status of your task. Click Apply.

Do you know what the start date of the task is?

Filter the Tasks Workspace to show you only tasks that started on a date you choose.

  1. Click the Start Date filter.
  2. Select the start date of the task. Click Apply.

Do you know what the due date of the task is?

Filter the Tasks Workspace to show you only tasks that end on the date you choose.

  1. Click Filter Options.
  2. Select Add filter fields.
  3. Check the box next to due date and click OK.
  4. Select the due date of the task. Click Apply.

Do you know which User was assigned to the task?

Filter the Tasks Workspace to show you tasks assigned to the User of your choice.

By default, this filter is set to whoever is logged in.

  1. Click the Assigned To filter.
  2. Select the User of your choice. Click Apply.

Do you know what kind of task it is?

Filter the Tasks Workspace to show you tasks that use the same template.

  1. Click the Template filter.
  2. Select the type of task from the list. Click Apply.

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