How to Do a Mass Delete of Actions In Microsoft Outlook

How to Do a Mass Delete of Actions In Microsoft Outlook


  1. I would like to get rid of a big group of actions in Outlook.  How can I do that?
  2. I did a sync and have a lot of new actions in Outlook that I don’t want.  How can I get rid of them? 

Note: Bill Good Marketing does not support Microsoft Outlook.  We can ask questions and try to determine what the problem may be if it is affecting Gorilla.  If you run into any problems within Microsoft Outlook related to Gorilla, you may go into the Software Support Chatroom or call Software Support.   Please keep in mind that we may need to get your own IT involved if the problem is within Microsoft Outlook.


  1. Open Microsoft Outlook and log in if needed.
  2. Go into the Outlook Calendar.
  3. At the top of the screen click on the View tab.
  4. Select Change View and then List. 

  5. You should then see all actions in Gorilla in a list format.  You can sort by Subject (description), start date/time, end date/time, etc. 
  6. Highlight all items you wish to delete.  You can do this one of three ways:
    • Highlight the top action and then scroll down to the last action you would like to select.  Hold down the Shift key on your keyboard and click on the last action.  That will highlight all actions between the first one you highlighted and the last one.

    • Hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard and left-click on each action you’d like to delete. This will allow you to skip over any items you wish to keep.

    • Select one action at a time to delete.
  7. Once all items you would like to delete are highlighted press the Delete key on your keyboard.  That will begin the deletion process. If you delete any items that you did not want deleted, you can find everything within the Deleted Items folder in your mailbox 

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