How to Create a Report of Birthday Letters Generated

How to Create a Report of Birthday Letters Generated

There are two ways to do this:

  1. Task Reports – Generate a simple list of people sent birthday letters in a date range.
  2. Custom Reports – More versatile in what information you can add to the list.

Task Report

  1. Go to the Tasks workspace.
  2. Type Birthday Mailer into the search bar and press enter.
  3. Set the Start Date filter to the day you want the report for.

At this point, you should have on screen a list of every birthday letter sent to each person on the date you chose. You can create a printable report using the Task Report.

Custom Report

  1. Go to the Report workspace.
  2. Click Add Report.
  3. Select Tasks. Click Blank Tasks Report to open the report creation screen.
  4. Add Description, Assign To, For, and For>Preferred Address to the Filters section. In addition, add any other fields you want to see on the report.
  5. Drag and drop the fields into the order you desire. This is the order I prefer:
  6. Add Due Date to the Filters section.
    Set the Due Date filter to the date you want to report on. Click Apply.
  7. Add Description to the Filter section.
    Change the Operator field to Starts With.
    Type Birthday Mailer into the Value field. Click Apply.

  8. Name the report Birthday Letter Report.
  9. Set the View and edit permissions to Public.
  10. Click Save.

At this point the report is ready. You can use any of the export options to produce a PDF or Spreadsheet of the report.

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