How to Change Your Password in Gorilla 4.x
- How do I change my existing password in Gorilla?
- How do I add a password in Gorilla?
- You must know the old password to change it. If you do not know the old password, you will need to call Software Support at 801-553-9888 so that they can retrieve the password for you.
- If you are using Gorilla 4.5, passwords are required. You may not leave the password field blank.
- In Gorilla, click on Tools>Team Management.
- Click on Edit>System User and then choose the user name you wish to update the password for.
- In the right-hand panel, click the three-dot button beside the Password field. You will get the following screen:
- Enter in your old password.
- If this is a first-time password creation:
- Enter and confirm your new password then click Update.
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