How to Assign Household Roles

How to Assign Household Roles

  1. Go to the Contact workspace.
  2. Click the Households button.
  3. Click on the Household’s name to open the record.
  4. Go to the Summary tab.
  5. Find the Members card.
  6. Expand the Contact in the Members card.
  7. Click Edit
  8. Use the Role drop-down to select the role you want to assign to that contact. Click OK.


  • Only one contact in each household can be assigned as the Head of Household.
  • To change who the head of household is, you must first unassign that role from the person who currently has it assigned.

Alternate Method

  1. Go to the Contact workspace.
  2. Click on the Contacts button.
  3. Type the Last Name of the contact you want to add to a household into the search bar.
  4. Click Edit on the line for the individual you searched for.
  5. Select the Role you want to assign them from the Drop-down list in the Role field.

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