How to Add an Individual to a Household

How to Add an Individual to a Household

  1. Go to the Contacts workspace.
  2. Click the Households button.
  3. Click on the Household’s name to open the record.
  4. Go to the Summary tab.
  5. Find the Members card.
  6. Click the Add button in the Members Card
  7. Type the Individual’s last name into the Name field. Select them from the drop-down list that appears.
  8. Assign a Role as appropriate. Click OK

Alternate Method

  1. Go to the Contacts workspace.
  2. Click on the Contacts button.
  3. Type the Last Name of the contact you want to add to a household into the search bar.
  4. Click Edit on the line for the individual you searched for.
  5. Type the Name of the Household you want to add them to into the Household field. Select that household from the drop-down list that appears.
  6. Assign a Role as appropriate.
  7. Click OK when finished.

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