How to Add a Note to Multiple Households or Contacts

How to Add a Note to Multiple Households or Contacts

When you want to add simple information to multiple Households or Contacts, you can use a batch process.


  • This should not be used to record conversations or meetings.
  • Tasks and Schedule Items are used to record conversations or meetings because of how they update the SLM.
  1. Go to the Contact workspace.
  2. Select the boxes next to the names of the people you want to add the note to. You can use a filter to narrow the list down and make this easier.
  3. Click Add. Select Document. Select Note.
  4. Add a description. Then type the note you want to add into the Note field. Leave the rest of the fields at their defaults. Click OK when finished. A Batch Process will start, adding the note to each selected Household or Contact.

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