How to Add a Halo to Deceased Contacts or Households

How to Add a Halo to Deceased Contacts or Households

Having a visual cue that someone is deceased is helpful in avoiding social missteps. This procedure will show you how to add a halo to a deceased Household or Contact in order to provide this visual cue.


  • Mark a Household deceased only when all members of the Household are deceased.
  1. Go to the Contacts workspace.
  2. Navigate to the Household or Contact.
  3. Click the Edit button.
  4. Click the Manage Picture button in the top right.
  5. Select Set Picture.
  6. Browse to an image of a halo and select it. You can download the one we recommend from the bottom of this article.
  7. Click Open to set the halo as the Profile Image.


  • This will only provide a visual queue. You will still need to either add a category of deceased or have one of the customizable statuses updated to deceased and apply that status to the appropriate Contacts or Households.
  • Using the category or status is how you will filter these Contacts or Households out of your mailing lists.

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