The purpose of this document is to go into detail on the differences between G4 and G5, from the perspective of someone migrating to G5.
The basic unit of people in G4 was the Contact Group or CG. A CG had individuals assigned to it, and an Individual could be assigned to more than one. CGs represented households, companies, and any other group of people you might have.
G5 has Households instead of CGs, Contacts instead of Individuals, and Companies are a separate type of record as well. Each has their own record but can be connected to each other. Contacts are placed in Households and given roles like Spouse, Dependent, or Head of Household. Contacts are also assigned to Companies and given a position showing their Job Title.
Addresses will migrate into both the Household (or Company) that matches the CG from G4 and each Individual assigned to that Household as well.
Phone Numbers and Emails will only migrate to Households (or Companies) because G4 does not have them connected to Individuals, so the migration is unable to assign them appropriately. These can be found together in the Communication tile on the Detail tab of a record.
Activities are divided between Scheduled Items and Tasks. Scheduled Items are set for a specific day and time and appear on the Calendar. Tasks do not have a specific time and are used to record notes on unscheduled things that happened, or to assign things that need to get done, but not at a specific time. Opportunities are separated out from those activities into their own workspace.
Notes will migrate with a Status of Complete in G5 and will have Household matching the CG it was for in the For field.