Gorilla 4 to Gorilla 5 Field Comparisons

Gorilla 4 to Gorilla 5 Field Comparisons

The purpose of this document is to go into detail on the differences between G4 and G5, from the perspective of someone migrating to G5.


The basic unit of people in G4 was the Contact Group or CG. A CG had individuals assigned to it, and an Individual could be assigned to more than one. CGs represented households, companies, and any other group of people you might have.

G5 has Households instead of CGs, Contacts instead of Individuals, and Companies are a separate type of record as well. Each has their own record but can be connected to each other. Contacts are placed in Households and given roles like Spouse, Dependent, or Head of Household. Contacts are also assigned to Companies and given a position showing their Job Title.

Field Comparison: Contact Groups to Households

G4’s Contact Group

G5’s Household

Contact Group Name

Household Name



(for record keeping purposes, this is also created as a Custom Field called List)


Custom Field called Source


Custom Field called Book


Determines the Tier and Service level assigned during migration.

(For record keeping purposes, this is also created as a Custom Field called Wealth.)

Communication Status

Custom Field called Communication Status

Communication Channel

Custom Field called Communication Channel

Last Contact Date

These are used to determine the last contact dates in G5’s Service Level Manager, and it derives the appropriate next contact date from that based on the Service Level assigned.

(see Wealth).

Last Meeting Date

Last Opportunity Review Date

Primary System Owner

These (along with team management) are used to determine the Coverage assigned to each record.

Secondary System Owner



Important Information


Important Date

A type of Custom Field called Important Date, with a Value setting the Date. These are displayed in their own Tile separate from the other Custom Fields.


A type of Custom Field called Personal Relationships or Professional Relationships. These will also display as hyperlinks to the related people’s records in Hierarchy.



Field Comparison: Individual to Contact

G4’s Individual

G5’s Contact

First Name

First Name

Middle Name


Last Name

Last Name








Goes by



Date of Birth

Social Security Number




Driver’s License

This is now a Custom Field called Driver’s License

Important Information




Contact Information

Addresses will migrate into both the Household (or Company) that matches the CG from G4 and each Individual assigned to that Household as well.

Field Comparison Addresses

G4’s Mailing Address

G5’s Addresses

Address Type

Primary Address Bundles get migrated as Home Addresses
Business Address Bundles get migrated as Business Addresses

Default to Business

If this is checked, the Business Address will be set as the Preferred Address. Otherwise, the Home Address will be set as Preferred by default.

Address Line 1

Address Line 1

Address Line 2

Address Line 2

Address Line 3

Will Not Migrate









Important Information


Field Comparison: Phone Numbers

Phone Numbers and Emails will only migrate to Households (or Companies) because G4 does not have them connected to Individuals, so the migration is unable to assign them appropriately. These can be found together in the Communication tile on the Detail tab of a record.

G4’s Phone Number

G5’s Communication

Phone Type

Business, Home, and Fax get migrated to the same types. Cell and Mobile both get migrated as Mobile. All others are entered as Other.

Important Information

Name (if blank, Name will use Phone Type instead).

Area Code

These get combined into the Number field.

Phone Number



Field Comparison: Email

G4’s Email

G5’s Communication

Important Information

Description (if blank, will just say Email)

Email Address


History of Activities and Opportunities

Activities are divided between Scheduled Items and Tasks. Scheduled Items are set for a specific day and time and appear on the Calendar. Tasks do not have a specific time and are used to record notes on unscheduled things that happened, or to assign things that need to get done, but not at a specific time. Opportunities are separated out from those activities into their own workspace.

Notes will migrate with a Status of Complete in G5 and will have Household matching the CG it was for in the For field.

Field Comparison: Notes to Activities

G4’s Notes

G5’s Activity

Note Type

Outgoing Call goes in as an Outbound Call Task

Meeting goes in as a Meeting Schedule Item

Administrative goes in as an Admin Time Schedule Item

Email goes in as an Email Task

Other goes in as a To Do Task


Migrates to both the Start Date and Due Date fields.

System User

Assign To


Notes. The first sentence will also be used for the Description in G5.

Field Comparison: Actions to Activities

G4’s Actions

G5’s Activity

Action Type

Call goes in as a Phone Meeting Schedule Item if it was given a Time in G4, otherwise it will go in as a To Do Task.

Meeting will go in as a Meeting Schedule Item if it was given a time in G4, otherwise it will go in as a To Do Task.

Admin will go in as an Admin Time Schedule Item if it was given a Time in G4, otherwise it will go in as a To Do Task.

Problem will go in as Other if it was given a time, otherwise it will go in as Service Request Task.

Other will go in as Other if it was given a time, otherwise it will go in as a To Do Task.

Message will go in as Admin Time if it was given a time, otherwise it will go in as a To Do Task.


If the action was more than a year old, it will be marked Completed during the migration.

Done will be marked Completed

Open will be marked Outstanding

Canceled will be marked Canceled

Failed will be marked Failed

Pending will be marked On Hold

Assigned Staffgroup

Assign To

Start Time

Start Date

End Time

End Date

Due Date

Will migrate to both the Start Date and End Date fields.

Date Entered

Creation Date. Will not be visible in the activity but is tracked in Audit Trails and can be targeted in Reports.


Creator. Will not be visible in the activity, but is tracked in Audit Trails, can be targeted in reports, and is used to determine if someone delegated a task.

Enable Alarm

Reminder. If this was not checked, Reminder will be None.

Interval (min)

Reminder, if Enable Alarm was checked.

Build Recurrence Pattern

Recurrence. All fields inside the recurrence pattern match between G4 and G5.


Notes. The first sentence will also be used for the Activity’s Description in G5.


Priority High=A, Normal=B, Low=C

Field Comparison: Opportunities

G4’s Opportunities

G5’s Opportunities




Creator. Will not be visible in the activity, but is tracked in Audit Trails, can be targeted in reports, and is used to determine if someone delegated a task.

Assigned Staffgroup

Assigned To


Expected Amount



Expected Value

Weighted Revenue

Due Date

Expected Close

Date Entered

Creation Date. Will not be visible in the activity but is tracked in Audit Trails and can be targeted in Reports.

Last Modified

Edit Date. Will not be visible in the activity but is tracked in Audit Trails and can be targeted in Reports.


Open will have a Stage of Initial and an Outcome of Progressed

Canceled will have a Stage of Closed-Lost and an Outcome of Lost

Failed will have a Stage of Closed-Lost and an Outcome of Lost

Pending will have a Stage of Discovery and an Outcome of Not Proceeded.

Done will have a Stage of Closed-Won and an Outcome of Won

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