How to Create an Activities To Do Report in G5

How to Create an Activities To Do Report in G5

An Activities to Do report will list open schedule items and tasks.

  1. Go to the Report workspace.
  2. Click Add Report.
  3. Select Activities . Click Blank Activities Report to open the report creation screen.
  4. Name the report Activities to Do .
  5. In the Details Tab, add Description , Notes , For , Assign To , Start Time , End Time , Type , Status , and Priority in the Fields section.
  6. Add Status to the Filters section of the report. Set the operator to Not Equals , then select Cancelled , Completed , and Failed .
  7. Select Start Time in the Sorting section.
  8. Go to the Summary tab.
  9. Add Start Time , Assign To , Type , Status , and For to the groupings section.
  10. Add Count of All Activities to the Calculations tab.
  11. Go to the Visualization tab.
  12. Click Select Chart Type and select Column Stacked.

  13. Set the X-Axis to Type and the Y-Axis to Count of All Activities .
  14. Set the Grouping to Type.
  15. Set the View and edit permissions to Public . Click Save when finished.

Additional Option - Specify Users

If you want to run this report only on specific Users:

  1. Add an Assign To filter. Select (Specific) and check the boxes next to the name of each person you want on the report.
  2. You can change this any time if you want to do multiple reports for multiple people.

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