Detail Tab

Detail Tab

The Detail Tab

The Detail tab uses cards to provide details about the entity.

Its contents vary depending on the entity type that you have selected

In most cases, it uses the following cards:

Addresses Card

Displays the entity's addresses and indicates the preferred address.

Categories Card

Categories are just labels or tags that can be used for searching and grouping entities.

Select an existing or add a new category for an entity on this card.

Communications Card

Displays the entity's telephone numbers, email addresses, and websites. It also indicates the preferred method of communication.

Coverage Card

Displays the coverage group assigned to the entity, and each member's role in the group.

The coverage group is one or more users responsible for specific clients, opportunities, or account plans.

Custom Fields Card

Displays the custom fields associated with the entity.

Custom fields store specific types of information defined by your administrator.

You can add existing custom fields to an entity.

Lists Card

Displays the saved lists that the entity is a member of.

Saved lists are custom lists of entities that may not otherwise share a common characteristic or property.

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