Detail Report

Detail Report

The Detail report contains the following information for one or more Contact Groups:

  • First and last names for contacts or company names for Contact Groups.
  • Information about the Contact Group that is contained in the Contact Group record. For example, a Detail report for a contact, includes the contact's company, position, status, age, birthday, and tier level.
  • Addresses and communication methods.
  • Custom fields and categories.

To generate the Detail report:

Go to the Contacts workspace.

Select the List you want to run the report on or select the Household or Contact you want to run the report on.

Click the Reports button and select Detail Report.

Graphical user interface, applicationDescription automatically generated

Choose the Parameters for the report:

Graphical user interface, text, applicationDescription automatically generated

Report for Contact

  • Current Contact – Run the report for the single specified household or contact.
  • Current Contact List – Run the report for all households or contacts in the chosen list.
  • Show Bio – Include the information in that record’s Bio field.
  • Show Notes – Include any notes.
  • Page Break after each contact – In a report for multiple households or contacts, each will begin on a new page.

Interaction Options

  • Show interactions – Include the activities from that household or contact’s record.
  • Show the full note for each interaction – When including interactions in the report, include the full note for each interaction.
  • Interaction filter options – When including interactions in the report, this allows you to filter the interactions that are included by date, status, and type.

Report Format

  • PDF or Text – Specifies the file format for the report.

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